AAMVADLIDFieldNames class
Constants for the field type names of AAMVA.DLID.
- AAMVADLIDFieldNames()
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- AddressCity → const String
- AddressJurisdictionCode → const String
- AddressPostalCode → const String
- AddressStreet1 → const String
- AddressStreet2 → const String
- AdultInformation → const String
- AliasFamilyName → const String
- AliasGivenName → const String
- AliasMiddleName → const String
- AliasPrefixName → const String
- AliasSuffixName → const String
- CardRevisionDate → const String
- ComplianceType → const String
- CountryIdentification → const String
- CustomerFamilyName → const String
- CustomerFirstName → const String
- CustomerGivenNames → const String
- CustomerIdNumber → const String
- CustomerMiddleName → const String
- DateOfBirth → const String
- DocumentDiscriminator → const String
- DocumentExpirationDate → const String
- DocumentIssueDate → const String
- DriverAliasDateOfBirthField → const String
- DriverAliasFirstName → const String
- DriverAliasLastName → const String
- DriverAliasSocialSecurityNumber → const String
- DriverLastName → const String
- DriverLicenseClassificationCode → const String
- DriverLicenseEndorsementsCode → const String
- DriverLicenseName → const String
- DriverLicenseRestrictionCode → const String
- DriverNamePrefix → const String
- DriverNameSuffix → const String
- DriverPermitClassificationCode → const String
- DriverPermitEndorsementCode → const String
- DriverPermitIssueDate → const String
- DriverPermitRestrictionCode → const String
- DriverResidenceCity → const String
- DriverResidenceJurisdictionCode → const String
- DriverResidencePostalCode → const String
- DriverResidenceStreetAddress1 → const String
- DriverResidenceStreetAddress2 → const String
- FamilyNameTruncation → const String
- FederalCommercialVehicleCodes → const String
- FirstNameTruncation → const String
- HairColor → const String
- HAZMATEndorsementExpirationDate → const String
- Height → const String
- InventoryControlNumber → const String
- IssueTimeStamp → const String
- JurisdictionSpecificEndorsementCodeDescription → const String
- JurisdictionSpecificEndorsementCodes → const String
- JurisdictionSpecificRestrictionCodeDescription → const String
- JurisdictionSpecificRestrictionCodes → const String
- JurisdictionSpecificVehicleClass → const String
- JurisdictionSpecificVehicleClassificationDescription → const String
- LimitedDurationDocumentIndicator → const String
- MiddleNameTruncation → const String
- NameSuffix → const String
- NonResidentIndicator → const String
- NumberOfDuplicates → const String
- OrganDonor → const String
- OrganDonorIndicator → const String
- PermitExpirationDate → const String
- PermitIdentifier → const String
- PhysicalDescriptionEyeColor → const String
- PhysicalDescriptionHeight → const String
- PhysicalDescriptionSex → const String
- PhysicalDescriptionWeightRange → const String
- PlaceOfBirth → const String
- RaceEthnicity → const String
- SocialSecurityNumber → const String
- StandardEndorsementCode → const String
- StandardRestrictionCode → const String
- StandardVehicleClassification → const String
- Under18Until → const String
- Under19Until → const String
- Under21Until → const String
- UniqueCustomerIdentifier → const String
- VeteranIndicator → const String
- WeightKilograms → const String
- WeightPounds → const String