BAKE :baguette_bread:

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Build your projects with simple rules across platforms. :baguette_bread:

About :books:

I think that Makefile is a very usefule project because it allows users to implement a simple way to define rules for building their projects across platforms. Bake is like Make but takes a simpler approach and is a Dart project! ;)

Using the library :pick:



Add the library to your pubspec.yaml by adding this to it:

  bake: ^2.0.0

From GitHub

Add the library to your pubspec.yaml by adding this to it:

    git: git://

Importing the API

Import the API like this:

import 'package:bake/bake.dart';

Building :hammer_and_pick:


Make sure you have the following programmes installed:

  • GNU Make
  • Git
  • Dart SDK

Build it!

  • 1.) Get the latest source code:
$ git clone
  • 2.) Change into source directory's root:
$ cd Bake
  • 3.) Compile an executable:
$ make build

This should produce a binary file by the name of bake in a sub-directory called dist.

Installation :inbox_tray:

Linux & Mac OSX

Add this line to your .zshrc, .bashrc or .bash_profile in $HOME:

export PATH="$HOME/blackunicorn/bin:$PATH"

After having done that, create a directory called blackunicorn in $HOME and in blackunicorn a directory called bin.


Go to your "System Settings", go to "This PC" or "My PC" and right-click that entry. Then go to "Edit Environment Variables". Add this line to the dialog that appears:


Save that and quit the System settings. After having done that, go to the File Explorer and create a directory called blackunicorn in C:\ and in blackunicorn a directory called bin.


After you have configured the $PATHon your system, move the bake executable to blackunicorn/bin. You may need to run chmod a+x on the binary executable before being able to call it from the console.

Tutorial :pick:

Here's how you get started with Bake!

  • 1.) Create a file called Bakefile:
$ touch Bakefile
  • 2.) Open this file in your favourite editor and add this line to the file:
'greet' => 'echo Hello World!'
  • 3.) Run the command bake or bake greet in the directory where you just created the file:
Hello World! # This should be the output!

Usage :hammer:

Bake accepts the following options:

Run the first rule of any Bakefile:

$ bake

Call a specific rule:

$ bake my_rule

Get version info:

$ bake --version

Get help info:

$ bake --help

Changelog :scroll:

Please click here.

Note :scroll:

  • Bake :baguette_bread: by Alexander Abraham :black_heart:, the Black Unicorn :unicorn:
  • licensed under the MIT license

