getEvangelist method

String getEvangelist({
  1. bool returnName = false,

Getting the evangelist of the given year, if year is not provided it will take the current year and the years before christ ( አመተ ፍዳ ) and get the age of earth, since creation day of Adam and Eve and, divide it by 4 and then

  • if Remainder == 0 => the year will be assigned to apostle JOHN

  • if Remainder == 1 => the year will be assigned to apostle MATHEW

  • if Remainder == 2 => the year will be assigned to apostle MARK

*if Remainder == 3 => the year will be assigned to apostle LUKE

LUKE is when the leap year occurs.

// const List<String> evangelists = ["ዮሐንስ", "ማቴዎስ", "ማርቆስ", "ሉቃስ"];

BahireHasab bh = BahireHasab(year: 2011);
bh.getEvangelist(returnName: true)

if returnName is not provided or is false, as the default, this function will return index of the apostle from evangelists list.


String getEvangelist({bool returnName = false}) {
  int evangelist;
  evangelist = ameteAlem % 4;
  if (returnName) {
    return _evangelists[evangelist];
  return evangelist.toString();