deleteUser method

Future<void> deleteUser({
  1. String? userID,

This method can delete a user in one of 2 situations: the first is an authenticated deleting themselves (do not provide userID). The second is an admin deleting a user using an admin token. When a userID, the method will assume the instance token has Admin access.


Future<void> deleteUser({String? userID}) async {
  String? token;
  if (userID != null)
    token = instance.token;
  else {
    token = getAccessToken();
    userID = _getUserID();
  if (token == null || userID == null)
    throw ("UserID not provided, a user must be authenticated or userID provided");

  Options options = Options(
      headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer $token', "Accept-Version": "v1"});

  String url = '$authEndpoint/user/$userID';
  try {
    await Dio().delete(url, options: options);
    return _logout();
  } catch (err) {
    if (err is DioException) throw (err.response.toString());