uploadImage method

Future<BagelResponse> uploadImage(
  1. String slug,
  2. File image

Build and execute a image upload to bagelDB, for a specific item in a collection. image should be a valid file object and slug is the field to which the image will be updated. The item() methods must have been used in order to execute uploadImage


Future<BagelResponse> uploadImage(String slug, File image) async {
  String fileName = image.path.split('/').last;
  FormData formData = FormData.fromMap({
    "imageFile": await MultipartFile.fromFile(
      filename: fileName,
  String url =
  if (nestedCollectionsIDs.isNotEmpty) {
    String nestedID = nestedCollectionsIDs.join(".");
    url = '$url&nestedID=$nestedID';
  Dio dio = await _dio();
  Response res = await dio.put(url, data: formData);
  return BagelResponse(data: res.data, statusCode: res.statusCode!);