BadiDate constructor

  1. required int day,
  2. int month = 0,
  3. required int year,
  4. bool ayyamIHa = false,
  5. double? latitude,
  6. double? longitude,
  7. double? altitude,

Badi date for now only for the years up to LAST_YEAR_SUPPORTED Dates before the year 172 are calculated according to the Baha'i Calendar used in western countries. parameters: day int in range 1-19 month int in range 0-19 year int longitude and latitude double for sunset calculation ayyamIHa bool For Ayyam'i'Ha set month to 0 or leave it empty and set ayyamIHa to true


    this.month = 0,
    required this.year,
    bool ayyamIHa = false,
    this.altitude}) {
  if (day < 1 || day > 19) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(day, 'day', 'Day must be in the range [1-19]');
  if (month < 0 || month > 19) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        month, 'month', 'Month must be in the range [1-19]');
  if (month != 0 && ayyamIHa) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        month, 'month', 'Please set month to 0 or leave it out for AyyamIHa');
  if (year > LAST_YEAR_SUPPORTED) {
    throw UnsupportedError(
        'Years greater than $LAST_YEAR_SUPPORTED are not supported yet');
  _monthIntern = month == 0
      ? 19
      : month == 19
          ? 20
          : month;