saveTrimmedVideo method
- required double startValue,
- required double endValue,
- required dynamic onSave(
- String outputPath
- bool applyVideoEncoding = false,
- FileFormat? outputFormat,
- String? ffmpegCommand,
- String? customVideoFormat,
- int? fpsGIF,
- int? scaleGIF,
- String? videoFolderName,
- String? videoFileName,
- StorageDir? storageDir,
Saves the trimmed video to file system.
The required parameters are startValue
, endValue
& onSave
The optional parameters are videoFolderName
, videoFileName
, fpsGIF
, scaleGIF
, applyVideoEncoding
The @required
parameter startValue
is for providing a starting point
to the trimmed video. To be specified in milliseconds
The @required
parameter endValue
is for providing an ending point
to the trimmed video. To be specified in milliseconds
The @required
parameter onSave
is a callback Function that helps to
retrieve the output path as the FFmpeg processing is complete. Returns a
The parameter videoFolderName
is used to
pass a folder name which will be used for creating a new
folder in the selected directory. The default value for
it is Trimmer
The parameter videoFileName
is used for giving
a new name to the trimmed video file. By default the
trimmed video is named as <original_file_name>_trimmed.mp4
The parameter outputFormat
is used for providing a
file format to the trimmed video. This only accepts value
of FileFormat type. By default it is set to FileFormat.mp4
which is for mp4
The parameter storageDir
can be used for providing a storage
location option. It accepts only StorageDir values. By default
it is set to applicationDocumentsDirectory
. Some of the
storage types are:
(Only accessible from inside the app, can be cleared at anytime) -
(Only accessible from inside the app) -
(Supports onlyAndroid
, accessible externally)
The parameters fpsGIF
& scaleGIF
are used only if the
selected output format is FileFormat.gif
for providing a FPS value (by default it is set to10
) -
for proving a width to output GIF, the height is selected by maintaining the aspect ratio automatically (by default it is set to480
) -
for specifying whether to apply video encoding (by default it is set tofalse
If you want to give custom FFmpeg
command, then define
& customVideoFormat
strings. The input path
output path
, start
and end
position is already define.
NOTE: The advanced option does not provide any safety check, so if wrong
video format is passed in customVideoFormat
, then the app may
Future<void> saveTrimmedVideo({
required double startValue,
required double endValue,
required Function(String outputPath) onSave,
bool applyVideoEncoding = false,
FileFormat? outputFormat,
String? ffmpegCommand,
String? customVideoFormat,
int? fpsGIF,
int? scaleGIF,
String? videoFolderName,
String? videoFileName,
StorageDir? storageDir,
}) async {
final String _videoPath = currentVideoFile.path;
final String _videoName = basename(_videoPath).split('.')[0];
String _command;
// Formatting Date and Time
String dateTime = DateFormat.yMMMd()
// String _resultString;
String _outputPath;
String? _outputFormatString;
String formattedDateTime = dateTime.replaceAll(' ', '');
String formattedDateTime2 = formattedDateTime.replaceAll(',', '');
debugPrint("DateTime: $dateTime");
debugPrint("Formatted: $formattedDateTime");
videoFolderName ??= "Trimmer";
videoFileName ??= "${_videoName}_trimmed:$formattedDateTime2";
videoFileName = videoFileName.replaceAll(' ', '_');
String path = await _createFolderInAppDocDir(
() => debugPrint("Retrieved Trimmer folder"),
print("path hasil ==> ${path}");
Duration startPoint = Duration(milliseconds: startValue.toInt());
Duration endPoint = Duration(milliseconds: endValue.toInt());
// Checking the start and end point strings
debugPrint("Start: ${startPoint.toString()} & End: ${endPoint.toString()}");
// debugPrint(path);
if (outputFormat == null) {
outputFormat = FileFormat.mp4;
_outputFormatString = outputFormat.toString();
// debugPrint('OUTPUT: $_outputFormatString');
} else {
_outputFormatString = outputFormat.toFormatString();
String _trimLengthCommand = ' -ss $startPoint -i "$_videoPath" -t ${endPoint - startPoint} -avoid_negative_ts make_zero -movflags faststart';
//-s 540x960
if (ffmpegCommand == null) {
_command = '$_trimLengthCommand -c:a copy ';
if (!applyVideoEncoding) {
_command += '-c:v copy ';
if (outputFormat == FileFormat.gif) {
fpsGIF ??= 10;
scaleGIF ??= 480;
_command =
'$_trimLengthCommand -vf "fps=$fpsGIF,scale=$scaleGIF:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" -loop 0 ';
} else {
_command = '$_trimLengthCommand $ffmpegCommand ';
_outputFormatString = customVideoFormat;
_outputPath = '$path$videoFileName$_outputFormatString';
_command += '"$_outputPath"';
print("command ${_command}");
FFmpegKit.executeAsync(_command, (session) async {
final state =
FFmpegKitConfig.sessionStateToString(await session.getState());
final returnCode = await session.getReturnCode();
debugPrint("FFmpeg process exited with state $state and rc $returnCode");
if (ReturnCode.isSuccess(returnCode)) {
debugPrint("FFmpeg processing completed successfully.");
debugPrint('Video successfuly saved');
} else {
debugPrint("FFmpeg processing failed.");
debugPrint('Couldn\'t save the video');
// return _outputPath;