languages function

Future<Result<LanguageList, AzureTranslationError>> languages({
  1. String? baseLanguage,
  2. Iterable<LanguageScope>? scopes,

Returns a list of supported languages for translation, transliteration, and dictionary lookup. scopes can be omitted, in which case all three scopes will be returned. baseLanguage can optionally be provided, and the names of returned languages will be translated into it.


Future<Result<LanguageList, AzureTranslationError>> languages({
  String? baseLanguage,
  Iterable<LanguageScope>? scopes,
}) async {
  const endpoint = '';
  scopes = scopes?.toSet();
  final List<(String, String)> queryParams = [
    ('api-version', AzureTranslation.apiVersion),
    if (scopes?.isNotEmpty ?? false)
      ('scope', scopes!.map((e) =>',')),
  final paramString = => '${e.$1}=${e.$2}').join('&');
  final uri = Uri.parse('$endpoint?$paramString');

  final headers = {
    if (baseLanguage != null) 'Accept-Language': baseLanguage,

  final res = await http.get(uri, headers: headers);

  if (res.statusCode != 200) {
    return Result.error(AzureTranslationError.fromResponse(res));

  final json = jsonDecode(res.body);
  return Result.ok(LanguageList.fromJson(json));