Azota file lib for reading and writing


  • Read/Write azota scan offline file

Getting started

Add azota_file_dart as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


To read scan offline file:

List<int> binary = []; // read file as binary from local storage or get from cdn
var scanFile = ScanOfflineFile.fromAztFile(binary); // transform binary to readable object
List<int> img = scanFile.getDrawImage(['1A', '2D', '3C']);  // draw scan offline image to display

To write a scan offline file:

var aztFile = ScanOfflineFile.init(examId: 10, createdBy: 'phuong.h'); // init object
aztFile.setOriginalImage([...]); // (optional) set original image (for debug purpose)
aztFile.setWrappedImage([...]);  // set wrapped image (for display)
aztFile.setScanResult(scanResult); // set scan result

Additional information

The lib will be update for more file type of azota


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