col method

Widget col(
  1. String sizes
  • This function is use to make responsive ui

  • Parameter sizes values should have spaces like 'col-sm-1 col-md-2'

  • Supported values are col-, col-sm-, col-md-, col-lg-, col-xl-*

  • * star represent 1 to 12


Widget col(String sizes){

// order of sizes col-*, col-sm-*, col-md-*, col-lg-*, col-xl-*

// Print.p1(sizes.trim());
// int indexOfCurrentDevice = deviceTyeList.indexOf(deviceType);
// int indexOfTargetDevice = deviceTyeList.indexOf(targetDevice);

// trim extra spaces
String sizesTrim = sizes.trim();

List<String> sizesArray = sizesTrim.split(" ");

List sizesDevicesArray = []; //['_','_sm','_md','_lg','_xl'];
List sizesValuesArray = []; //[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// sizesArray.forEach((String size) {
for(int i = 0; i < sizesArray.length; ++i) {
  String size = sizesArray[i];
  // print(size);
  List<String> partsArray = size.split("-");
  // print(partsArray);
  // print(partsArray[0]); // ignore
  String sizeDevices = partsArray.length == 2
      ? ""
      : partsArray[1]; // device sm, md, lg, xl
  int sizeValues = int.parse(partsArray.length == 3
      ? partsArray[2]
      : partsArray[1]); // sizes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
// });

int checkDeviceExistsInSizes = sizesDevicesArray.indexOf(deviceType);
int? intGetSizeToApply;
if(checkDeviceExistsInSizes > 0){
  //  exists
  intGetSizeToApply = sizesValuesArray[checkDeviceExistsInSizes];
  //  not exists
  // now find below of target
  // String s = "_" + deviceType;
  int checkDeviceNotExistsInSizes = deviceTyeList.indexOf(deviceType);
  // print(sizesDevicesArray.toString());
  // print(checkDeviceNotExistsInSizes);
  for(int loopI = checkDeviceNotExistsInSizes; loopI >= 0; --loopI){
    String findinBelowOfTargetString = deviceTyeList[loopI];
    // print(findinBelowOfTargetString);

    int findinBelowOfTargetInt = sizesDevicesArray.indexOf(findinBelowOfTargetString);
    if(findinBelowOfTargetInt != -1){
      intGetSizeToApply = sizesValuesArray[findinBelowOfTargetInt];

child = FractionallySizedBox(
    widthFactor: 0.0833 * intGetSizeToApply!.toDouble(), // 0.0833 width of 1 one col
    // heightFactor: val,
    child: child

// Print.p1(intGetSizeToApply.toString());
// col-sm-* col-md-* col-lg-* col-xl-*

// if(deviceType == 'xl'){
//   // deviceType type lg activate +
// }
// if(deviceType == 'sm'){
//   // device sms activate
// }
// if(deviceType == 'md'){
// }
// if(deviceType == 'lg'){
// }

return this;