XRay class

AWS X-Ray provides APIs for managing debug traces and retrieving service maps and other data created by processing those traces.


XRay({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


batchGetTraces({required List<String> traceIds, String? nextToken}) Future<BatchGetTracesResult>
Retrieves a list of traces specified by ID. Each trace is a collection of segment documents that originates from a single request. Use GetTraceSummaries to get a list of trace IDs.
close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createGroup({required String groupName, String? filterExpression, InsightsConfiguration? insightsConfiguration, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateGroupResult>
Creates a group resource with a name and a filter expression.
createSamplingRule({required SamplingRule samplingRule, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateSamplingRuleResult>
Creates a rule to control sampling behavior for instrumented applications. Services retrieve rules with GetSamplingRules, and evaluate each rule in ascending order of priority for each request. If a rule matches, the service records a trace, borrowing it from the reservoir size. After 10 seconds, the service reports back to X-Ray with GetSamplingTargets to get updated versions of each in-use rule. The updated rule contains a trace quota that the service can use instead of borrowing from the reservoir.
deleteGroup({String? groupARN, String? groupName}) Future<void>
Deletes a group resource.
deleteSamplingRule({String? ruleARN, String? ruleName}) Future<DeleteSamplingRuleResult>
Deletes a sampling rule.
getEncryptionConfig() Future<GetEncryptionConfigResult>
Retrieves the current encryption configuration for X-Ray data.
getGroup({String? groupARN, String? groupName}) Future<GetGroupResult>
Retrieves group resource details.
getGroups({String? nextToken}) Future<GetGroupsResult>
Retrieves all active group details.
getInsight({required String insightId}) Future<GetInsightResult>
Retrieves the summary information of an insight. This includes impact to clients and root cause services, the top anomalous services, the category, the state of the insight, and the start and end time of the insight.
getInsightEvents({required String insightId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<GetInsightEventsResult>
X-Ray reevaluates insights periodically until they're resolved, and records each intermediate state as an event. You can review an insight's events in the Impact Timeline on the Inspect page in the X-Ray console.
getInsightImpactGraph({required DateTime endTime, required String insightId, required DateTime startTime, String? nextToken}) Future<GetInsightImpactGraphResult>
Retrieves a service graph structure filtered by the specified insight. The service graph is limited to only structural information. For a complete service graph, use this API with the GetServiceGraph API.
getInsightSummaries({required DateTime endTime, required DateTime startTime, String? groupARN, String? groupName, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, List<InsightState>? states}) Future<GetInsightSummariesResult>
Retrieves the summaries of all insights in the specified group matching the provided filter values.
getSamplingRules({String? nextToken}) Future<GetSamplingRulesResult>
Retrieves all sampling rules.
getSamplingStatisticSummaries({String? nextToken}) Future<GetSamplingStatisticSummariesResult>
Retrieves information about recent sampling results for all sampling rules.
getSamplingTargets({required List<SamplingStatisticsDocument> samplingStatisticsDocuments}) Future<GetSamplingTargetsResult>
Requests a sampling quota for rules that the service is using to sample requests.
getServiceGraph({required DateTime endTime, required DateTime startTime, String? groupARN, String? groupName, String? nextToken}) Future<GetServiceGraphResult>
Retrieves a document that describes services that process incoming requests, and downstream services that they call as a result. Root services process incoming requests and make calls to downstream services. Root services are applications that use the AWS X-Ray SDK. Downstream services can be other applications, AWS resources, HTTP web APIs, or SQL databases.
getTimeSeriesServiceStatistics({required DateTime endTime, required DateTime startTime, String? entitySelectorExpression, bool? forecastStatistics, String? groupARN, String? groupName, String? nextToken, int? period}) Future<GetTimeSeriesServiceStatisticsResult>
Get an aggregation of service statistics defined by a specific time range.
getTraceGraph({required List<String> traceIds, String? nextToken}) Future<GetTraceGraphResult>
Retrieves a service graph for one or more specific trace IDs.
getTraceSummaries({required DateTime endTime, required DateTime startTime, String? filterExpression, String? nextToken, bool? sampling, SamplingStrategy? samplingStrategy, TimeRangeType? timeRangeType}) Future<GetTraceSummariesResult>
Retrieves IDs and annotations for traces available for a specified time frame using an optional filter. To get the full traces, pass the trace IDs to BatchGetTraces.
listTagsForResource({required String resourceARN, String? nextToken}) Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse>
Returns a list of tags that are applied to the specified AWS X-Ray group or sampling rule.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
putEncryptionConfig({required EncryptionType type, String? keyId}) Future<PutEncryptionConfigResult>
Updates the encryption configuration for X-Ray data.
putTelemetryRecords({required List<TelemetryRecord> telemetryRecords, String? eC2InstanceId, String? hostname, String? resourceARN}) Future<void>
Used by the AWS X-Ray daemon to upload telemetry.
putTraceSegments({required List<String> traceSegmentDocuments}) Future<PutTraceSegmentsResult>
Uploads segment documents to AWS X-Ray. The X-Ray SDK generates segment documents and sends them to the X-Ray daemon, which uploads them in batches. A segment document can be a completed segment, an in-progress segment, or an array of subsegments.
tagResource({required String resourceARN, required List<Tag> tags}) Future<void>
Applies tags to an existing AWS X-Ray group or sampling rule.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
untagResource({required String resourceARN, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Removes tags from an AWS X-Ray group or sampling rule. You cannot edit or delete system tags (those with an aws: prefix).
updateGroup({String? filterExpression, String? groupARN, String? groupName, InsightsConfiguration? insightsConfiguration}) Future<UpdateGroupResult>
Updates a group resource.
updateSamplingRule({required SamplingRuleUpdate samplingRuleUpdate}) Future<UpdateSamplingRuleResult>
Modifies a sampling rule's configuration.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.