worklink-2018-09-25 library
- AssociateDomainResponse
- AssociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse
- AssociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- CreateFleetResponse
- DeleteFleetResponse
- DescribeAuditStreamConfigurationResponse
- DescribeCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse
- DescribeDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse
- DescribeDeviceResponse
- DescribeDomainResponse
- DescribeFleetMetadataResponse
- DescribeIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse
- DescribeWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse
- DeviceSummary
- The summary of devices.
- DisassociateDomainResponse
- DisassociateWebsiteAuthorizationProviderResponse
- DisassociateWebsiteCertificateAuthorityResponse
- DomainSummary
- The summary of the domain.
- FleetSummary
- The summary of the fleet.
- ListDevicesResponse
- ListDomainsResponse
- ListFleetsResponse
- ListTagsForResourceResponse
- ListWebsiteAuthorizationProvidersResponse
- ListWebsiteCertificateAuthoritiesResponse
- RestoreDomainAccessResponse
- RevokeDomainAccessResponse
- SignOutUserResponse
- TagResourceResponse
- UntagResourceResponse
- UpdateAuditStreamConfigurationResponse
- UpdateCompanyNetworkConfigurationResponse
- UpdateDevicePolicyConfigurationResponse
- UpdateDomainMetadataResponse
- UpdateFleetMetadataResponse
- UpdateIdentityProviderConfigurationResponse
- WebsiteAuthorizationProviderSummary
- The summary of the website authorization provider.
- WebsiteCaSummary
- The summary of the certificate authority (CA).
- WorkLink
- Amazon WorkLink is a cloud-based service that provides secure access to internal websites and web apps from iOS and Android phones. In a single step, your users, such as employees, can access internal websites as efficiently as they access any other public website. They enter a URL in their web browser, or choose a link to an internal website in an email. Amazon WorkLink authenticates the user's access and securely renders authorized internal web content in a secure rendering service in the AWS cloud. Amazon WorkLink doesn't download or store any internal web content on mobile devices.