Translate class

Provides translation between one source language and another of the same set of languages.


Translate({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createParallelData({required String name, required ParallelDataConfig parallelDataConfig, String? clientToken, String? description, EncryptionKey? encryptionKey}) Future<CreateParallelDataResponse>
Creates a parallel data resource in Amazon Translate by importing an input file from Amazon S3. Parallel data files contain examples of source phrases and their translations from your translation memory. By adding parallel data, you can influence the style, tone, and word choice in your translation output.
deleteParallelData({required String name}) Future<DeleteParallelDataResponse>
Deletes a parallel data resource in Amazon Translate.
deleteTerminology({required String name}) Future<void>
A synchronous action that deletes a custom terminology.
describeTextTranslationJob({required String jobId}) Future<DescribeTextTranslationJobResponse>
Gets the properties associated with an asycnhronous batch translation job including name, ID, status, source and target languages, input/output S3 buckets, and so on.
getParallelData({required String name}) Future<GetParallelDataResponse>
Provides information about a parallel data resource.
getTerminology({required String name, required TerminologyDataFormat terminologyDataFormat}) Future<GetTerminologyResponse>
Retrieves a custom terminology.
importTerminology({required MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, required String name, required TerminologyData terminologyData, String? description, EncryptionKey? encryptionKey}) Future<ImportTerminologyResponse>
Creates or updates a custom terminology, depending on whether or not one already exists for the given terminology name. Importing a terminology with the same name as an existing one will merge the terminologies based on the chosen merge strategy. Currently, the only supported merge strategy is OVERWRITE, and so the imported terminology will overwrite an existing terminology of the same name.
listParallelData({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListParallelDataResponse>
Provides a list of your parallel data resources in Amazon Translate.
listTerminologies({int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListTerminologiesResponse>
Provides a list of custom terminologies associated with your account.
listTextTranslationJobs({TextTranslationJobFilter? filter, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListTextTranslationJobsResponse>
Gets a list of the batch translation jobs that you have submitted.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
startTextTranslationJob({required String dataAccessRoleArn, required InputDataConfig inputDataConfig, required OutputDataConfig outputDataConfig, required String sourceLanguageCode, required List<String> targetLanguageCodes, String? clientToken, String? jobName, List<String>? parallelDataNames, List<String>? terminologyNames}) Future<StartTextTranslationJobResponse>
Starts an asynchronous batch translation job. Batch translation jobs can be used to translate large volumes of text across multiple documents at once. For more information, see async.
stopTextTranslationJob({required String jobId}) Future<StopTextTranslationJobResponse>
Stops an asynchronous batch translation job that is in progress.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
translateText({required String sourceLanguageCode, required String targetLanguageCode, required String text, List<String>? terminologyNames}) Future<TranslateTextResponse>
Translates input text from the source language to the target language. For a list of available languages and language codes, see what-is-languages.
updateParallelData({required String name, required ParallelDataConfig parallelDataConfig, String? clientToken, String? description}) Future<UpdateParallelDataResponse>
Updates a previously created parallel data resource by importing a new input file from Amazon S3.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.