SWF class

The Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) makes it easy to build applications that use Amazon's cloud to coordinate work across distributed components. In Amazon SWF, a task represents a logical unit of work that is performed by a component of your workflow. Coordinating tasks in a workflow involves managing intertask dependencies, scheduling, and concurrency in accordance with the logical flow of the application.


SWF({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
countClosedWorkflowExecutions({required String domain, CloseStatusFilter? closeStatusFilter, ExecutionTimeFilter? closeTimeFilter, WorkflowExecutionFilter? executionFilter, ExecutionTimeFilter? startTimeFilter, TagFilter? tagFilter, WorkflowTypeFilter? typeFilter}) Future<WorkflowExecutionCount>
Returns the number of closed workflow executions within the given domain that meet the specified filtering criteria. Access Control
countOpenWorkflowExecutions({required String domain, required ExecutionTimeFilter startTimeFilter, WorkflowExecutionFilter? executionFilter, TagFilter? tagFilter, WorkflowTypeFilter? typeFilter}) Future<WorkflowExecutionCount>
Returns the number of open workflow executions within the given domain that meet the specified filtering criteria. Access Control
countPendingActivityTasks({required String domain, required TaskList taskList}) Future<PendingTaskCount>
Returns the estimated number of activity tasks in the specified task list. The count returned is an approximation and isn't guaranteed to be exact. If you specify a task list that no activity task was ever scheduled in then 0 is returned.
countPendingDecisionTasks({required String domain, required TaskList taskList}) Future<PendingTaskCount>
Returns the estimated number of decision tasks in the specified task list. The count returned is an approximation and isn't guaranteed to be exact. If you specify a task list that no decision task was ever scheduled in then 0 is returned.
deprecateActivityType({required ActivityType activityType, required String domain}) Future<void>
Deprecates the specified activity type. After an activity type has been deprecated, you cannot create new tasks of that activity type. Tasks of this type that were scheduled before the type was deprecated continue to run. Access Control
deprecateDomain({required String name}) Future<void>
Deprecates the specified domain. After a domain has been deprecated it cannot be used to create new workflow executions or register new types. However, you can still use visibility actions on this domain. Deprecating a domain also deprecates all activity and workflow types registered in the domain. Executions that were started before the domain was deprecated continues to run. Access Control
deprecateWorkflowType({required String domain, required WorkflowType workflowType}) Future<void>
Deprecates the specified workflow type. After a workflow type has been deprecated, you cannot create new executions of that type. Executions that were started before the type was deprecated continues to run. A deprecated workflow type may still be used when calling visibility actions. Access Control
describeActivityType({required ActivityType activityType, required String domain}) Future<ActivityTypeDetail>
Returns information about the specified activity type. This includes configuration settings provided when the type was registered and other general information about the type.
describeDomain({required String name}) Future<DomainDetail>
Returns information about the specified domain, including description and status.
describeWorkflowExecution({required String domain, required WorkflowExecution execution}) Future<WorkflowExecutionDetail>
Returns information about the specified workflow execution including its type and some statistics. Access Control
describeWorkflowType({required String domain, required WorkflowType workflowType}) Future<WorkflowTypeDetail>
Returns information about the specified workflow type. This includes configuration settings specified when the type was registered and other information such as creation date, current status, etc.
getWorkflowExecutionHistory({required String domain, required WorkflowExecution execution, int? maximumPageSize, String? nextPageToken, bool? reverseOrder}) Future<History>
Returns the history of the specified workflow execution. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextPageToken returned by the initial call. Access Control
listActivityTypes({required String domain, required RegistrationStatus registrationStatus, int? maximumPageSize, String? name, String? nextPageToken, bool? reverseOrder}) Future<ActivityTypeInfos>
Returns information about all activities registered in the specified domain that match the specified name and registration status. The result includes information like creation date, current status of the activity, etc. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextPageToken returned by the initial call.
listClosedWorkflowExecutions({required String domain, CloseStatusFilter? closeStatusFilter, ExecutionTimeFilter? closeTimeFilter, WorkflowExecutionFilter? executionFilter, int? maximumPageSize, String? nextPageToken, bool? reverseOrder, ExecutionTimeFilter? startTimeFilter, TagFilter? tagFilter, WorkflowTypeFilter? typeFilter}) Future<WorkflowExecutionInfos>
Returns a list of closed workflow executions in the specified domain that meet the filtering criteria. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextPageToken returned by the initial call. Access Control
listDomains({required RegistrationStatus registrationStatus, int? maximumPageSize, String? nextPageToken, bool? reverseOrder}) Future<DomainInfos>
Returns the list of domains registered in the account. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextPageToken returned by the initial call. Access Control
listOpenWorkflowExecutions({required String domain, required ExecutionTimeFilter startTimeFilter, WorkflowExecutionFilter? executionFilter, int? maximumPageSize, String? nextPageToken, bool? reverseOrder, TagFilter? tagFilter, WorkflowTypeFilter? typeFilter}) Future<WorkflowExecutionInfos>
Returns a list of open workflow executions in the specified domain that meet the filtering criteria. The results may be split into multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextPageToken returned by the initial call. Access Control
listTagsForResource({required String resourceArn}) Future<ListTagsForResourceOutput>
List tags for a given domain.
listWorkflowTypes({required String domain, required RegistrationStatus registrationStatus, int? maximumPageSize, String? name, String? nextPageToken, bool? reverseOrder}) Future<WorkflowTypeInfos>
Returns information about workflow types in the specified domain. The results may be split into multiple pages that can be retrieved by making the call repeatedly.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pollForActivityTask({required String domain, required TaskList taskList, String? identity}) Future<ActivityTask>
Used by workers to get an ActivityTask from the specified activity taskList. This initiates a long poll, where the service holds the HTTP connection open and responds as soon as a task becomes available. The maximum time the service holds on to the request before responding is 60 seconds. If no task is available within 60 seconds, the poll returns an empty result. An empty result, in this context, means that an ActivityTask is returned, but that the value of taskToken is an empty string. If a task is returned, the worker should use its type to identify and process it correctly. Access Control
pollForDecisionTask({required String domain, required TaskList taskList, String? identity, int? maximumPageSize, String? nextPageToken, bool? reverseOrder}) Future<DecisionTask>
Used by deciders to get a DecisionTask from the specified decision taskList. A decision task may be returned for any open workflow execution that is using the specified task list. The task includes a paginated view of the history of the workflow execution. The decider should use the workflow type and the history to determine how to properly handle the task.
recordActivityTaskHeartbeat({required String taskToken, String? details}) Future<ActivityTaskStatus>
Used by activity workers to report to the service that the ActivityTask represented by the specified taskToken is still making progress. The worker can also specify details of the progress, for example percent complete, using the details parameter. This action can also be used by the worker as a mechanism to check if cancellation is being requested for the activity task. If a cancellation is being attempted for the specified task, then the boolean cancelRequested flag returned by the service is set to true.
registerActivityType({required String domain, required String name, required String version, String? defaultTaskHeartbeatTimeout, TaskList? defaultTaskList, String? defaultTaskPriority, String? defaultTaskScheduleToCloseTimeout, String? defaultTaskScheduleToStartTimeout, String? defaultTaskStartToCloseTimeout, String? description}) Future<void>
Registers a new activity type along with its configuration settings in the specified domain. Access Control
registerDomain({required String name, required String workflowExecutionRetentionPeriodInDays, String? description, List<ResourceTag>? tags}) Future<void>
Registers a new domain.
registerWorkflowType({required String domain, required String name, required String version, ChildPolicy? defaultChildPolicy, String? defaultExecutionStartToCloseTimeout, String? defaultLambdaRole, TaskList? defaultTaskList, String? defaultTaskPriority, String? defaultTaskStartToCloseTimeout, String? description}) Future<void>
Registers a new workflow type and its configuration settings in the specified domain.
requestCancelWorkflowExecution({required String domain, required String workflowId, String? runId}) Future<void>
Records a WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested event in the currently running workflow execution identified by the given domain, workflowId, and runId. This logically requests the cancellation of the workflow execution as a whole. It is up to the decider to take appropriate actions when it receives an execution history with this event. Access Control
respondActivityTaskCanceled({required String taskToken, String? details}) Future<void>
Used by workers to tell the service that the ActivityTask identified by the taskToken was successfully canceled. Additional details can be provided using the details argument.
respondActivityTaskCompleted({required String taskToken, String? result}) Future<void>
Used by workers to tell the service that the ActivityTask identified by the taskToken completed successfully with a result (if provided). The result appears in the ActivityTaskCompleted event in the workflow history. A task is considered open from the time that it is scheduled until it is closed. Therefore a task is reported as open while a worker is processing it. A task is closed after it has been specified in a call to RespondActivityTaskCompleted, RespondActivityTaskCanceled, RespondActivityTaskFailed, or the task has timed out.
respondActivityTaskFailed({required String taskToken, String? details, String? reason}) Future<void>
Used by workers to tell the service that the ActivityTask identified by the taskToken has failed with reason (if specified). The reason and details appear in the ActivityTaskFailed event added to the workflow history.
respondDecisionTaskCompleted({required String taskToken, List<Decision>? decisions, String? executionContext}) Future<void>
Used by deciders to tell the service that the DecisionTask identified by the taskToken has successfully completed. The decisions argument specifies the list of decisions made while processing the task.
signalWorkflowExecution({required String domain, required String signalName, required String workflowId, String? input, String? runId}) Future<void>
Records a WorkflowExecutionSignaled event in the workflow execution history and creates a decision task for the workflow execution identified by the given domain, workflowId and runId. The event is recorded with the specified user defined signalName and input (if provided). Access Control
startWorkflowExecution({required String domain, required String workflowId, required WorkflowType workflowType, ChildPolicy? childPolicy, String? executionStartToCloseTimeout, String? input, String? lambdaRole, List<String>? tagList, TaskList? taskList, String? taskPriority, String? taskStartToCloseTimeout}) Future<Run>
Starts an execution of the workflow type in the specified domain using the provided workflowId and input data.
tagResource({required String resourceArn, required List<ResourceTag> tags}) Future<void>
Add a tag to a Amazon SWF domain.
terminateWorkflowExecution({required String domain, required String workflowId, ChildPolicy? childPolicy, String? details, String? reason, String? runId}) Future<void>
Records a WorkflowExecutionTerminated event and forces closure of the workflow execution identified by the given domain, runId, and workflowId. The child policy, registered with the workflow type or specified when starting this execution, is applied to any open child workflow executions of this workflow execution. Access Control
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
undeprecateActivityType({required ActivityType activityType, required String domain}) Future<void>
Undeprecates a previously deprecated activity type. After an activity type has been undeprecated, you can create new tasks of that activity type. Access Control
undeprecateDomain({required String name}) Future<void>
Undeprecates a previously deprecated domain. After a domain has been undeprecated it can be used to create new workflow executions or register new types. Access Control
undeprecateWorkflowType({required String domain, required WorkflowType workflowType}) Future<void>
Undeprecates a previously deprecated workflow type. After a workflow type has been undeprecated, you can create new executions of that type. Access Control
untagResource({required String resourceArn, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Remove a tag from a Amazon SWF domain.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.