updateSMBFileShare method

Future<UpdateSMBFileShareOutput> updateSMBFileShare({
  1. required String fileShareARN,
  2. bool? accessBasedEnumeration,
  3. List<String>? adminUserList,
  4. String? auditDestinationARN,
  5. CacheAttributes? cacheAttributes,
  6. CaseSensitivity? caseSensitivity,
  7. String? defaultStorageClass,
  8. String? fileShareName,
  9. bool? guessMIMETypeEnabled,
  10. List<String>? invalidUserList,
  11. bool? kMSEncrypted,
  12. String? kMSKey,
  13. String? notificationPolicy,
  14. ObjectACL? objectACL,
  15. bool? readOnly,
  16. bool? requesterPays,
  17. bool? sMBACLEnabled,
  18. List<String>? validUserList,

Updates a Server Message Block (SMB) file share. This operation is only supported for file gateways.

File gateways don't support creating hard or symbolic links on a file share.

May throw InvalidGatewayRequestException. May throw InternalServerError.

Parameter fileShareARN : The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SMB file share that you want to update.

Parameter accessBasedEnumeration : The files and folders on this share will only be visible to users with read access.

Parameter adminUserList : A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that have administrator rights to the file share. A group must be prefixed with the @ character. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1, user1, @group1, and @DOMAIN\group1. Can only be set if Authentication is set to ActiveDirectory.

Parameter auditDestinationARN : The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the storage used for the audit logs.

Parameter cacheAttributes : Refresh cache information.

Parameter caseSensitivity : The case of an object name in an Amazon S3 bucket. For ClientSpecified, the client determines the case sensitivity. For CaseSensitive, the gateway determines the case sensitivity. The default value is ClientSpecified.

Parameter defaultStorageClass : The default storage class for objects put into an Amazon S3 bucket by the file gateway. The default value is S3_INTELLIGENT_TIERING. Optional.


Parameter fileShareName : The name of the file share. Optional.

Parameter guessMIMETypeEnabled : A value that enables guessing of the MIME type for uploaded objects based on file extensions. Set this value to true to enable MIME type guessing, otherwise set to false. The default value is true.

Valid Values: true | false

Parameter invalidUserList : A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that are not allowed to access the file share. A group must be prefixed with the @ character. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1, user1, @group1, and @DOMAIN\group1. Can only be set if Authentication is set to ActiveDirectory.

Parameter kMSEncrypted : Set to true to use Amazon S3 server-side encryption with your own AWS KMS key, or false to use a key managed by Amazon S3. Optional.

Valid Values: true | false

Parameter kMSKey : The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a symmetric customer master key (CMK) used for Amazon S3 server-side encryption. Storage Gateway does not support asymmetric CMKs. This value can only be set when KMSEncrypted is true. Optional.

Parameter notificationPolicy : The notification policy of the file share.

Parameter objectACL : A value that sets the access control list (ACL) permission for objects in the S3 bucket that a file gateway puts objects into. The default value is private.

Parameter readOnly : A value that sets the write status of a file share. Set this value to true to set write status to read-only, otherwise set to false.

Valid Values: true | false

Parameter requesterPays : A value that sets who pays the cost of the request and the cost associated with data download from the S3 bucket. If this value is set to true, the requester pays the costs; otherwise, the S3 bucket owner pays. However, the S3 bucket owner always pays the cost of storing data. Valid Values: true | false

Parameter sMBACLEnabled : Set this value to true to enable access control list (ACL) on the SMB file share. Set it to false to map file and directory permissions to the POSIX permissions.

For more information, see Using Microsoft Windows ACLs to control access to an SMB file share in the AWS Storage Gateway User Guide.

Valid Values: true | false

Parameter validUserList : A list of users or groups in the Active Directory that are allowed to access the file share. A group must be prefixed with the @ character. Acceptable formats include: DOMAIN\User1, user1, @group1, and @DOMAIN\group1. Can only be set if Authentication is set to ActiveDirectory.


Future<UpdateSMBFileShareOutput> updateSMBFileShare({
  required String fileShareARN,
  bool? accessBasedEnumeration,
  List<String>? adminUserList,
  String? auditDestinationARN,
  CacheAttributes? cacheAttributes,
  CaseSensitivity? caseSensitivity,
  String? defaultStorageClass,
  String? fileShareName,
  bool? guessMIMETypeEnabled,
  List<String>? invalidUserList,
  bool? kMSEncrypted,
  String? kMSKey,
  String? notificationPolicy,
  ObjectACL? objectACL,
  bool? readOnly,
  bool? requesterPays,
  bool? sMBACLEnabled,
  List<String>? validUserList,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(fileShareARN, 'fileShareARN');
    isRequired: true,
  final headers = <String, String>{
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
    'X-Amz-Target': 'StorageGateway_20130630.UpdateSMBFileShare'
  final jsonResponse = await _protocol.send(
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    // TODO queryParams
    headers: headers,
    payload: {
      'FileShareARN': fileShareARN,
      if (accessBasedEnumeration != null)
        'AccessBasedEnumeration': accessBasedEnumeration,
      if (adminUserList != null) 'AdminUserList': adminUserList,
      if (auditDestinationARN != null)
        'AuditDestinationARN': auditDestinationARN,
      if (cacheAttributes != null) 'CacheAttributes': cacheAttributes,
      if (caseSensitivity != null)
        'CaseSensitivity': caseSensitivity.toValue(),
      if (defaultStorageClass != null)
        'DefaultStorageClass': defaultStorageClass,
      if (fileShareName != null) 'FileShareName': fileShareName,
      if (guessMIMETypeEnabled != null)
        'GuessMIMETypeEnabled': guessMIMETypeEnabled,
      if (invalidUserList != null) 'InvalidUserList': invalidUserList,
      if (kMSEncrypted != null) 'KMSEncrypted': kMSEncrypted,
      if (kMSKey != null) 'KMSKey': kMSKey,
      if (notificationPolicy != null)
        'NotificationPolicy': notificationPolicy,
      if (objectACL != null) 'ObjectACL': objectACL.toValue(),
      if (readOnly != null) 'ReadOnly': readOnly,
      if (requesterPays != null) 'RequesterPays': requesterPays,
      if (sMBACLEnabled != null) 'SMBACLEnabled': sMBACLEnabled,
      if (validUserList != null) 'ValidUserList': validUserList,

  return UpdateSMBFileShareOutput.fromJson(jsonResponse.body);