createToken method

Future<CreateTokenResponse> createToken({
  1. required String clientId,
  2. required String clientSecret,
  3. required String deviceCode,
  4. required String grantType,
  5. String? code,
  6. String? redirectUri,
  7. String? refreshToken,
  8. List<String>? scope,

Creates and returns an access token for the authorized client. The access token issued will be used to fetch short-term credentials for the assigned roles in the AWS account.

May throw InvalidRequestException. May throw InvalidClientException. May throw InvalidGrantException. May throw UnauthorizedClientException. May throw UnsupportedGrantTypeException. May throw InvalidScopeException. May throw AuthorizationPendingException. May throw SlowDownException. May throw AccessDeniedException. May throw ExpiredTokenException. May throw InternalServerException.

Parameter clientId : The unique identifier string for each client. This value should come from the persisted result of the RegisterClient API.

Parameter clientSecret : A secret string generated for the client. This value should come from the persisted result of the RegisterClient API.

Parameter deviceCode : Used only when calling this API for the device code grant type. This short-term code is used to identify this authentication attempt. This should come from an in-memory reference to the result of the StartDeviceAuthorization API.

Parameter grantType : Supports grant types for authorization code, refresh token, and device code request.

Parameter code : The authorization code received from the authorization service. This parameter is required to perform an authorization grant request to get access to a token.

Parameter redirectUri : The location of the application that will receive the authorization code. Users authorize the service to send the request to this location.

Parameter refreshToken : The token used to obtain an access token in the event that the access token is invalid or expired. This token is not issued by the service.

Parameter scope : The list of scopes that is defined by the client. Upon authorization, this list is used to restrict permissions when granting an access token.


Future<CreateTokenResponse> createToken({
  required String clientId,
  required String clientSecret,
  required String deviceCode,
  required String grantType,
  String? code,
  String? redirectUri,
  String? refreshToken,
  List<String>? scope,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(clientId, 'clientId');
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(clientSecret, 'clientSecret');
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(deviceCode, 'deviceCode');
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(grantType, 'grantType');
  final $payload = <String, dynamic>{
    'clientId': clientId,
    'clientSecret': clientSecret,
    'deviceCode': deviceCode,
    'grantType': grantType,
    if (code != null) 'code': code,
    if (redirectUri != null) 'redirectUri': redirectUri,
    if (refreshToken != null) 'refreshToken': refreshToken,
    if (scope != null) 'scope': scope,
  final response = await _protocol.send(
    payload: $payload,
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/token',
    signed: false,
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
  return CreateTokenResponse.fromJson(response);