createProtectionGroup method

Future<void> createProtectionGroup({
  1. required ProtectionGroupAggregation aggregation,
  2. required ProtectionGroupPattern pattern,
  3. required String protectionGroupId,
  4. List<String>? members,
  5. ProtectedResourceType? resourceType,

Creates a grouping of protected resources so they can be handled as a collective. This resource grouping improves the accuracy of detection and reduces false positives.

May throw InternalErrorException. May throw ResourceAlreadyExistsException. May throw OptimisticLockException. May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw InvalidParameterException. May throw LimitsExceededException.

Parameter aggregation : Defines how AWS Shield combines resource data for the group in order to detect, mitigate, and report events.

  • Sum - Use the total traffic across the group. This is a good choice for most cases. Examples include Elastic IP addresses for EC2 instances that scale manually or automatically.
  • Mean - Use the average of the traffic across the group. This is a good choice for resources that share traffic uniformly. Examples include accelerators and load balancers.
  • Max - Use the highest traffic from each resource. This is useful for resources that don't share traffic and for resources that share that traffic in a non-uniform way. Examples include CloudFront distributions and origin resources for CloudFront distributions.

Parameter pattern : The criteria to use to choose the protected resources for inclusion in the group. You can include all resources that have protections, provide a list of resource Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), or include all resources of a specified resource type.

Parameter protectionGroupId : The name of the protection group. You use this to identify the protection group in lists and to manage the protection group, for example to update, delete, or describe it.

Parameter members : The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the resources to include in the protection group. You must set this when you set Pattern to ARBITRARY and you must not set it for any other Pattern setting.

Parameter resourceType : The resource type to include in the protection group. All protected resources of this type are included in the protection group. Newly protected resources of this type are automatically added to the group. You must set this when you set Pattern to BY_RESOURCE_TYPE and you must not set it for any other Pattern setting.


Future<void> createProtectionGroup({
  required ProtectionGroupAggregation aggregation,
  required ProtectionGroupPattern pattern,
  required String protectionGroupId,
  List<String>? members,
  ProtectedResourceType? resourceType,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(aggregation, 'aggregation');
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(pattern, 'pattern');
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(protectionGroupId, 'protectionGroupId');
    isRequired: true,
  final headers = <String, String>{
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
    'X-Amz-Target': 'AWSShield_20160616.CreateProtectionGroup'
  await _protocol.send(
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    // TODO queryParams
    headers: headers,
    payload: {
      'Aggregation': aggregation.toValue(),
      'Pattern': pattern.toValue(),
      'ProtectionGroupId': protectionGroupId,
      if (members != null) 'Members': members,
      if (resourceType != null) 'ResourceType': resourceType.toValue(),