listCustomVerificationEmailTemplates method
Lists the existing custom verification email templates for your account in the current AWS Region.
For more information about custom verification email templates, see Using Custom Verification Email Templates in the Amazon SES Developer Guide.
You can execute this operation no more than once per second.
May throw TooManyRequestsException. May throw BadRequestException.
Parameter nextToken
A token returned from a previous call to
to indicate the position
in the list of custom verification email templates.
Parameter pageSize
The number of results to show in a single call to
. If the number of
results is larger than the number you specified in this parameter, then
the response includes a NextToken
element, which you can use
to obtain additional results.
The value you specify has to be at least 1, and can be no more than 50.
String? nextToken,
int? pageSize,
}) async {
final $query = <String, List<String>>{
if (nextToken != null) 'NextToken': [nextToken],
if (pageSize != null) 'PageSize': [pageSize.toString()],
final response = await _protocol.send(
payload: null,
method: 'GET',
requestUri: '/v2/email/custom-verification-email-templates',
queryParams: $query,
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
return ListCustomVerificationEmailTemplatesResponse.fromJson(response);