ServiceCatalog class

AWS Service Catalog enables organizations to create and manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for AWS. To get the most out of this documentation, you should be familiar with the terminology discussed in AWS Service Catalog Concepts.


ServiceCatalog({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


acceptPortfolioShare({required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, PortfolioShareType? portfolioShareType}) Future<void>
Accepts an offer to share the specified portfolio.
associateBudgetWithResource({required String budgetName, required String resourceId}) Future<void>
Associates the specified budget with the specified resource.
associatePrincipalWithPortfolio({required String portfolioId, required String principalARN, required PrincipalType principalType, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Associates the specified principal ARN with the specified portfolio.
associateProductWithPortfolio({required String portfolioId, required String productId, String? acceptLanguage, String? sourcePortfolioId}) Future<void>
Associates the specified product with the specified portfolio.
associateServiceActionWithProvisioningArtifact({required String productId, required String provisioningArtifactId, required String serviceActionId, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Associates a self-service action with a provisioning artifact.
associateTagOptionWithResource({required String resourceId, required String tagOptionId}) Future<void>
Associate the specified TagOption with the specified portfolio or product.
batchAssociateServiceActionWithProvisioningArtifact({required List<ServiceActionAssociation> serviceActionAssociations, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<BatchAssociateServiceActionWithProvisioningArtifactOutput>
Associates multiple self-service actions with provisioning artifacts.
batchDisassociateServiceActionFromProvisioningArtifact({required List<ServiceActionAssociation> serviceActionAssociations, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<BatchDisassociateServiceActionFromProvisioningArtifactOutput>
Disassociates a batch of self-service actions from the specified provisioning artifact.
close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
copyProduct({required String sourceProductArn, String? acceptLanguage, List<CopyOption>? copyOptions, String? idempotencyToken, List<Map<ProvisioningArtifactPropertyName, String>>? sourceProvisioningArtifactIdentifiers, String? targetProductId, String? targetProductName}) Future<CopyProductOutput>
Copies the specified source product to the specified target product or a new product.
createConstraint({required String parameters, required String portfolioId, required String productId, required String type, String? acceptLanguage, String? description, String? idempotencyToken}) Future<CreateConstraintOutput>
Creates a constraint.
createPortfolio({required String displayName, required String providerName, String? acceptLanguage, String? description, String? idempotencyToken, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreatePortfolioOutput>
Creates a portfolio.
createPortfolioShare({required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, String? accountId, OrganizationNode? organizationNode, bool? shareTagOptions}) Future<CreatePortfolioShareOutput>
Shares the specified portfolio with the specified account or organization node. Shares to an organization node can only be created by the management account of an organization or by a delegated administrator. You can share portfolios to an organization, an organizational unit, or a specific account.
createProduct({required String name, required String owner, required ProductType productType, required ProvisioningArtifactProperties provisioningArtifactParameters, String? acceptLanguage, String? description, String? distributor, String? idempotencyToken, String? supportDescription, String? supportEmail, String? supportUrl, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateProductOutput>
Creates a product.
createProvisionedProductPlan({required String planName, required ProvisionedProductPlanType planType, required String productId, required String provisionedProductName, required String provisioningArtifactId, String? acceptLanguage, String? idempotencyToken, List<String>? notificationArns, String? pathId, List<UpdateProvisioningParameter>? provisioningParameters, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateProvisionedProductPlanOutput>
Creates a plan. A plan includes the list of resources to be created (when provisioning a new product) or modified (when updating a provisioned product) when the plan is executed.
createProvisioningArtifact({required ProvisioningArtifactProperties parameters, required String productId, String? acceptLanguage, String? idempotencyToken}) Future<CreateProvisioningArtifactOutput>
Creates a provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for the specified product.
createServiceAction({required Map<ServiceActionDefinitionKey, String> definition, required ServiceActionDefinitionType definitionType, required String name, String? acceptLanguage, String? description, String? idempotencyToken}) Future<CreateServiceActionOutput>
Creates a self-service action.
createTagOption({required String key, required String value}) Future<CreateTagOptionOutput>
Creates a TagOption.
deleteConstraint({required String id, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified constraint.
deletePortfolio({required String id, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified portfolio.
deletePortfolioShare({required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, String? accountId, OrganizationNode? organizationNode}) Future<DeletePortfolioShareOutput>
Stops sharing the specified portfolio with the specified account or organization node. Shares to an organization node can only be deleted by the management account of an organization or by a delegated administrator.
deleteProduct({required String id, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified product.
deleteProvisionedProductPlan({required String planId, String? acceptLanguage, bool? ignoreErrors}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified plan.
deleteProvisioningArtifact({required String productId, required String provisioningArtifactId, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for the specified product.
deleteServiceAction({required String id, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Deletes a self-service action.
deleteTagOption({required String id}) Future<void>
Deletes the specified TagOption.
describeConstraint({required String id, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<DescribeConstraintOutput>
Gets information about the specified constraint.
describeCopyProductStatus({required String copyProductToken, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<DescribeCopyProductStatusOutput>
Gets the status of the specified copy product operation.
describePortfolio({required String id, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<DescribePortfolioOutput>
Gets information about the specified portfolio.
describePortfolioShares({required String portfolioId, required DescribePortfolioShareType type, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<DescribePortfolioSharesOutput>
Returns a summary of each of the portfolio shares that were created for the specified portfolio.
describePortfolioShareStatus({required String portfolioShareToken}) Future<DescribePortfolioShareStatusOutput>
Gets the status of the specified portfolio share operation. This API can only be called by the management account in the organization or by a delegated admin.
describeProduct({String? acceptLanguage, String? id, String? name}) Future<DescribeProductOutput>
Gets information about the specified product.
describeProductAsAdmin({String? acceptLanguage, String? id, String? name, String? sourcePortfolioId}) Future<DescribeProductAsAdminOutput>
Gets information about the specified product. This operation is run with administrator access.
describeProductView({required String id, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<DescribeProductViewOutput>
Gets information about the specified product.
describeProvisionedProduct({String? acceptLanguage, String? id, String? name}) Future<DescribeProvisionedProductOutput>
Gets information about the specified provisioned product.
describeProvisionedProductPlan({required String planId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<DescribeProvisionedProductPlanOutput>
Gets information about the resource changes for the specified plan.
describeProvisioningArtifact({String? acceptLanguage, String? productId, String? productName, String? provisioningArtifactId, String? provisioningArtifactName, bool? verbose}) Future<DescribeProvisioningArtifactOutput>
Gets information about the specified provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for the specified product.
describeProvisioningParameters({String? acceptLanguage, String? pathId, String? pathName, String? productId, String? productName, String? provisioningArtifactId, String? provisioningArtifactName}) Future<DescribeProvisioningParametersOutput>
Gets information about the configuration required to provision the specified product using the specified provisioning artifact.
describeRecord({required String id, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<DescribeRecordOutput>
Gets information about the specified request operation.
describeServiceAction({required String id, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<DescribeServiceActionOutput>
Describes a self-service action.
describeServiceActionExecutionParameters({required String provisionedProductId, required String serviceActionId, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<DescribeServiceActionExecutionParametersOutput>
Finds the default parameters for a specific self-service action on a specific provisioned product and returns a map of the results to the user.
describeTagOption({required String id}) Future<DescribeTagOptionOutput>
Gets information about the specified TagOption.
disableAWSOrganizationsAccess() Future<void>
Disable portfolio sharing through AWS Organizations feature. This feature will not delete your current shares but it will prevent you from creating new shares throughout your organization. Current shares will not be in sync with your organization structure if it changes after calling this API. This API can only be called by the management account in the organization.
disassociateBudgetFromResource({required String budgetName, required String resourceId}) Future<void>
Disassociates the specified budget from the specified resource.
disassociatePrincipalFromPortfolio({required String portfolioId, required String principalARN, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Disassociates a previously associated principal ARN from a specified portfolio.
disassociateProductFromPortfolio({required String portfolioId, required String productId, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Disassociates the specified product from the specified portfolio.
disassociateServiceActionFromProvisioningArtifact({required String productId, required String provisioningArtifactId, required String serviceActionId, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<void>
Disassociates the specified self-service action association from the specified provisioning artifact.
disassociateTagOptionFromResource({required String resourceId, required String tagOptionId}) Future<void>
Disassociates the specified TagOption from the specified resource.
enableAWSOrganizationsAccess() Future<void>
Enable portfolio sharing feature through AWS Organizations. This API will allow Service Catalog to receive updates on your organization in order to sync your shares with the current structure. This API can only be called by the management account in the organization.
executeProvisionedProductPlan({required String planId, String? acceptLanguage, String? idempotencyToken}) Future<ExecuteProvisionedProductPlanOutput>
Provisions or modifies a product based on the resource changes for the specified plan.
executeProvisionedProductServiceAction({required String provisionedProductId, required String serviceActionId, String? acceptLanguage, String? executeToken, Map<String, List<String>>? parameters}) Future<ExecuteProvisionedProductServiceActionOutput>
Executes a self-service action against a provisioned product.
getAWSOrganizationsAccessStatus() Future<GetAWSOrganizationsAccessStatusOutput>
Get the Access Status for AWS Organization portfolio share feature. This API can only be called by the management account in the organization or by a delegated admin.
getProvisionedProductOutputs({String? acceptLanguage, List<String>? outputKeys, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? provisionedProductId, String? provisionedProductName}) Future<GetProvisionedProductOutputsOutput>
This API takes either a ProvisonedProductId or a ProvisionedProductName, along with a list of one or more output keys, and responds with the key/value pairs of those outputs.
importAsProvisionedProduct({required String physicalId, required String productId, required String provisionedProductName, required String provisioningArtifactId, String? acceptLanguage, String? idempotencyToken}) Future<ImportAsProvisionedProductOutput>
Requests the import of a resource as a Service Catalog provisioned product that is associated to a Service Catalog product and provisioning artifact. Once imported, all supported Service Catalog governance actions are supported on the provisioned product.
listAcceptedPortfolioShares({String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, PortfolioShareType? portfolioShareType}) Future<ListAcceptedPortfolioSharesOutput>
Lists all portfolios for which sharing was accepted by this account.
listBudgetsForResource({required String resourceId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListBudgetsForResourceOutput>
Lists all the budgets associated to the specified resource.
listConstraintsForPortfolio({required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? productId}) Future<ListConstraintsForPortfolioOutput>
Lists the constraints for the specified portfolio and product.
listLaunchPaths({required String productId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListLaunchPathsOutput>
Lists the paths to the specified product. A path is how the user has access to a specified product, and is necessary when provisioning a product. A path also determines the constraints put on the product.
listOrganizationPortfolioAccess({required OrganizationNodeType organizationNodeType, required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListOrganizationPortfolioAccessOutput>
Lists the organization nodes that have access to the specified portfolio. This API can only be called by the management account in the organization or by a delegated admin.
listPortfolioAccess({required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, String? organizationParentId, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListPortfolioAccessOutput>
Lists the account IDs that have access to the specified portfolio.
listPortfolios({String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListPortfoliosOutput>
Lists all portfolios in the catalog.
listPortfoliosForProduct({required String productId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListPortfoliosForProductOutput>
Lists all portfolios that the specified product is associated with.
listPrincipalsForPortfolio({required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListPrincipalsForPortfolioOutput>
Lists all principal ARNs associated with the specified portfolio.
listProvisionedProductPlans({String? acceptLanguage, AccessLevelFilter? accessLevelFilter, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? provisionProductId}) Future<ListProvisionedProductPlansOutput>
Lists the plans for the specified provisioned product or all plans to which the user has access.
listProvisioningArtifacts({required String productId, String? acceptLanguage}) Future<ListProvisioningArtifactsOutput>
Lists all provisioning artifacts (also known as versions) for the specified product.
listProvisioningArtifactsForServiceAction({required String serviceActionId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListProvisioningArtifactsForServiceActionOutput>
Lists all provisioning artifacts (also known as versions) for the specified self-service action.
listRecordHistory({String? acceptLanguage, AccessLevelFilter? accessLevelFilter, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, ListRecordHistorySearchFilter? searchFilter}) Future<ListRecordHistoryOutput>
Lists the specified requests or all performed requests.
listResourcesForTagOption({required String tagOptionId, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? resourceType}) Future<ListResourcesForTagOptionOutput>
Lists the resources associated with the specified TagOption.
listServiceActions({String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListServiceActionsOutput>
Lists all self-service actions.
listServiceActionsForProvisioningArtifact({required String productId, required String provisioningArtifactId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListServiceActionsForProvisioningArtifactOutput>
Returns a paginated list of self-service actions associated with the specified Product ID and Provisioning Artifact ID.
listStackInstancesForProvisionedProduct({required String provisionedProductId, String? acceptLanguage, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListStackInstancesForProvisionedProductOutput>
Returns summary information about stack instances that are associated with the specified CFN_STACKSET type provisioned product. You can filter for stack instances that are associated with a specific AWS account name or region.
listTagOptions({ListTagOptionsFilters? filters, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ListTagOptionsOutput>
Lists the specified TagOptions or all TagOptions.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
provisionProduct({required String provisionedProductName, String? acceptLanguage, List<String>? notificationArns, String? pathId, String? pathName, String? productId, String? productName, String? provisionToken, String? provisioningArtifactId, String? provisioningArtifactName, List<ProvisioningParameter>? provisioningParameters, ProvisioningPreferences? provisioningPreferences, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<ProvisionProductOutput>
Provisions the specified product.
rejectPortfolioShare({required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, PortfolioShareType? portfolioShareType}) Future<void>
Rejects an offer to share the specified portfolio.
scanProvisionedProducts({String? acceptLanguage, AccessLevelFilter? accessLevelFilter, int? pageSize, String? pageToken}) Future<ScanProvisionedProductsOutput>
Lists the provisioned products that are available (not terminated).
searchProducts({String? acceptLanguage, Map<ProductViewFilterBy, List<String>>? filters, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, ProductViewSortBy? sortBy, SortOrder? sortOrder}) Future<SearchProductsOutput>
Gets information about the products to which the caller has access.
searchProductsAsAdmin({String? acceptLanguage, Map<ProductViewFilterBy, List<String>>? filters, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? portfolioId, ProductSource? productSource, ProductViewSortBy? sortBy, SortOrder? sortOrder}) Future<SearchProductsAsAdminOutput>
Gets information about the products for the specified portfolio or all products.
searchProvisionedProducts({String? acceptLanguage, AccessLevelFilter? accessLevelFilter, Map<ProvisionedProductViewFilterBy, List<String>>? filters, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? sortBy, SortOrder? sortOrder}) Future<SearchProvisionedProductsOutput>
Gets information about the provisioned products that meet the specified criteria.
terminateProvisionedProduct({String? acceptLanguage, bool? ignoreErrors, String? provisionedProductId, String? provisionedProductName, bool? retainPhysicalResources, String? terminateToken}) Future<TerminateProvisionedProductOutput>
Terminates the specified provisioned product.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateConstraint({required String id, String? acceptLanguage, String? description, String? parameters}) Future<UpdateConstraintOutput>
Updates the specified constraint.
updatePortfolio({required String id, String? acceptLanguage, List<Tag>? addTags, String? description, String? displayName, String? providerName, List<String>? removeTags}) Future<UpdatePortfolioOutput>
Updates the specified portfolio.
updatePortfolioShare({required String portfolioId, String? acceptLanguage, String? accountId, OrganizationNode? organizationNode, bool? shareTagOptions}) Future<UpdatePortfolioShareOutput>
Updates the specified portfolio share. You can use this API to enable or disable TagOptions sharing for an existing portfolio share.
updateProduct({required String id, String? acceptLanguage, List<Tag>? addTags, String? description, String? distributor, String? name, String? owner, List<String>? removeTags, String? supportDescription, String? supportEmail, String? supportUrl}) Future<UpdateProductOutput>
Updates the specified product.
updateProvisionedProduct({String? acceptLanguage, String? pathId, String? pathName, String? productId, String? productName, String? provisionedProductId, String? provisionedProductName, String? provisioningArtifactId, String? provisioningArtifactName, List<UpdateProvisioningParameter>? provisioningParameters, UpdateProvisioningPreferences? provisioningPreferences, List<Tag>? tags, String? updateToken}) Future<UpdateProvisionedProductOutput>
Requests updates to the configuration of the specified provisioned product.
updateProvisionedProductProperties({required String provisionedProductId, required Map<PropertyKey, String> provisionedProductProperties, String? acceptLanguage, String? idempotencyToken}) Future<UpdateProvisionedProductPropertiesOutput>
Requests updates to the properties of the specified provisioned product.
updateProvisioningArtifact({required String productId, required String provisioningArtifactId, String? acceptLanguage, bool? active, String? description, ProvisioningArtifactGuidance? guidance, String? name}) Future<UpdateProvisioningArtifactOutput>
Updates the specified provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for the specified product.
updateServiceAction({required String id, String? acceptLanguage, Map<ServiceActionDefinitionKey, String>? definition, String? description, String? name}) Future<UpdateServiceActionOutput>
Updates a self-service action.
updateTagOption({required String id, bool? active, String? value}) Future<UpdateTagOptionOutput>
Updates the specified TagOption.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.