comparison property

StringFilterComparison? comparison

The condition to apply to a string value when querying for findings. To search for values that contain the filter criteria value, use one of the following comparison operators:

  • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS.

    For example, the filter ResourceType EQUALS AwsEc2SecurityGroup only matches findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2SecurityGroup.

  • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX.

    For example, the filter ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam matches findings that have a resource type that starts with AwsIam. Findings with a resource type of AwsIamPolicy, AwsIamRole, or AwsIamUser would all match.

EQUALS and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters.

To search for values that do not contain the filter criteria value, use one of the following comparison operators:

  • To search for values that do not exactly match the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS.

    For example, the filter ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy matches findings that have a resource type other than AwsIamPolicy.

  • To search for values that do not start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS.

    For example, the filter ResourceType PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS AwsIam matches findings that have a resource type that does not start with AwsIam. Findings with a resource type of AwsIamPolicy, AwsIamRole, or AwsIamUser would all be excluded from the results.

NOT_EQUALS and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters.

For filters on the same field, you cannot provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter. Combining filters in this way always returns an error, even if the provided filter values would return valid results.

You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

For example, for the following filter, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIAM or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

  • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam
  • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2
  • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy
  • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface


final StringFilterComparison? comparison;