overrideAction property

WafOverrideAction? overrideAction

Use the OverrideAction to test your RuleGroup.

Any rule in a RuleGroup can potentially block a request. If you set the OverrideAction to None, the RuleGroup blocks a request if any individual rule in the RuleGroup matches the request and is configured to block that request.

However, if you first want to test the RuleGroup, set the OverrideAction to Count. The RuleGroup then overrides any block action specified by individual rules contained within the group. Instead of blocking matching requests, those requests are counted.

ActivatedRule|OverrideAction applies only when updating or adding a RuleGroup to a WebACL. In this case you do not use ActivatedRule|Action. For all other update requests, ActivatedRule|Action is used instead of ActivatedRule|OverrideAction.


final WafOverrideAction? overrideAction;