listMonitoringExecutions method

Future<ListMonitoringExecutionsResponse> listMonitoringExecutions({
  1. DateTime? creationTimeAfter,
  2. DateTime? creationTimeBefore,
  3. String? endpointName,
  4. DateTime? lastModifiedTimeAfter,
  5. DateTime? lastModifiedTimeBefore,
  6. int? maxResults,
  7. String? monitoringJobDefinitionName,
  8. String? monitoringScheduleName,
  9. MonitoringType? monitoringTypeEquals,
  10. String? nextToken,
  11. DateTime? scheduledTimeAfter,
  12. DateTime? scheduledTimeBefore,
  13. MonitoringExecutionSortKey? sortBy,
  14. SortOrder? sortOrder,
  15. ExecutionStatus? statusEquals,

Returns list of all monitoring job executions.

Parameter creationTimeAfter : A filter that returns only jobs created after a specified time.

Parameter creationTimeBefore : A filter that returns only jobs created before a specified time.

Parameter endpointName : Name of a specific endpoint to fetch jobs for.

Parameter lastModifiedTimeAfter : A filter that returns only jobs modified before a specified time.

Parameter lastModifiedTimeBefore : A filter that returns only jobs modified after a specified time.

Parameter maxResults : The maximum number of jobs to return in the response. The default value is 10.

Parameter monitoringJobDefinitionName : Gets a list of the monitoring job runs of the specified monitoring job definitions.

Parameter monitoringScheduleName : Name of a specific schedule to fetch jobs for.

Parameter monitoringTypeEquals : A filter that returns only the monitoring job runs of the specified monitoring type.

Parameter nextToken : The token returned if the response is truncated. To retrieve the next set of job executions, use it in the next request.

Parameter scheduledTimeAfter : Filter for jobs scheduled after a specified time.

Parameter scheduledTimeBefore : Filter for jobs scheduled before a specified time.

Parameter sortBy : Whether to sort results by Status, CreationTime, ScheduledTime field. The default is CreationTime.

Parameter sortOrder : Whether to sort the results in Ascending or Descending order. The default is Descending.

Parameter statusEquals : A filter that retrieves only jobs with a specific status.


Future<ListMonitoringExecutionsResponse> listMonitoringExecutions({
  DateTime? creationTimeAfter,
  DateTime? creationTimeBefore,
  String? endpointName,
  DateTime? lastModifiedTimeAfter,
  DateTime? lastModifiedTimeBefore,
  int? maxResults,
  String? monitoringJobDefinitionName,
  String? monitoringScheduleName,
  MonitoringType? monitoringTypeEquals,
  String? nextToken,
  DateTime? scheduledTimeAfter,
  DateTime? scheduledTimeBefore,
  MonitoringExecutionSortKey? sortBy,
  SortOrder? sortOrder,
  ExecutionStatus? statusEquals,
}) async {
  final headers = <String, String>{
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
    'X-Amz-Target': 'SageMaker.ListMonitoringExecutions'
  final jsonResponse = await _protocol.send(
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    // TODO queryParams
    headers: headers,
    payload: {
      if (creationTimeAfter != null)
        'CreationTimeAfter': unixTimestampToJson(creationTimeAfter),
      if (creationTimeBefore != null)
        'CreationTimeBefore': unixTimestampToJson(creationTimeBefore),
      if (endpointName != null) 'EndpointName': endpointName,
      if (lastModifiedTimeAfter != null)
        'LastModifiedTimeAfter': unixTimestampToJson(lastModifiedTimeAfter),
      if (lastModifiedTimeBefore != null)
        'LastModifiedTimeBefore': unixTimestampToJson(lastModifiedTimeBefore),
      if (maxResults != null) 'MaxResults': maxResults,
      if (monitoringJobDefinitionName != null)
        'MonitoringJobDefinitionName': monitoringJobDefinitionName,
      if (monitoringScheduleName != null)
        'MonitoringScheduleName': monitoringScheduleName,
      if (monitoringTypeEquals != null)
        'MonitoringTypeEquals': monitoringTypeEquals.toValue(),
      if (nextToken != null) 'NextToken': nextToken,
      if (scheduledTimeAfter != null)
        'ScheduledTimeAfter': unixTimestampToJson(scheduledTimeAfter),
      if (scheduledTimeBefore != null)
        'ScheduledTimeBefore': unixTimestampToJson(scheduledTimeBefore),
      if (sortBy != null) 'SortBy': sortBy.toValue(),
      if (sortOrder != null) 'SortOrder': sortOrder.toValue(),
      if (statusEquals != null) 'StatusEquals': statusEquals.toValue(),

  return ListMonitoringExecutionsResponse.fromJson(jsonResponse.body);