joinSource property

JoinSource? joinSource

Specifies the source of the data to join with the transformed data. The valid values are None and Input. The default value is None, which specifies not to join the input with the transformed data. If you want the batch transform job to join the original input data with the transformed data, set JoinSource to Input.

For JSON or JSONLines objects, such as a JSON array, Amazon SageMaker adds the transformed data to the input JSON object in an attribute called SageMakerOutput. The joined result for JSON must be a key-value pair object. If the input is not a key-value pair object, Amazon SageMaker creates a new JSON file. In the new JSON file, and the input data is stored under the SageMakerInput key and the results are stored in SageMakerOutput.

For CSV files, Amazon SageMaker combines the transformed data with the input data at the end of the input data and stores it in the output file. The joined data has the joined input data followed by the transformed data and the output is a CSV file.


final JoinSource? joinSource;