source property

TimecodeSource? source

Use Source (TimecodeSource) to set how timecodes are handled within this job. To make sure that your video, audio, captions, and markers are synchronized and that time-based features, such as image inserter, work correctly, choose the Timecode source option that matches your assets. All timecodes are in a 24-hour format with frame number (HH:MM:SS:FF). * Embedded (EMBEDDED) - Use the timecode that is in the input video. If no embedded timecode is in the source, the service will use Start at 0 (ZEROBASED) instead. * Start at 0 (ZEROBASED) - Set the timecode of the initial frame to 00:00:00:00. * Specified Start (SPECIFIEDSTART) - Set the timecode of the initial frame to a value other than zero. You use Start timecode (Start) to provide this value.


final TimecodeSource? source;