anchor property

String? anchor

If you use an editing platform that relies on an anchor timecode, use Anchor Timecode (Anchor) to specify a timecode that will match the input video frame to the output video frame. Use 24-hour format with frame number, (HH:MM:SS:FF) or (HH:MM:SS;FF). This setting ignores frame rate conversion. System behavior for Anchor Timecode varies depending on your setting for Source (TimecodeSource). * If Source (TimecodeSource) is set to Specified Start (SPECIFIEDSTART), the first input frame is the specified value in Start Timecode (Start). Anchor Timecode (Anchor) and Start Timecode (Start) are used calculate output timecode. * If Source (TimecodeSource) is set to Start at 0 (ZEROBASED) the first frame is 00:00:00:00. * If Source (TimecodeSource) is set to Embedded (EMBEDDED), the first frame is the timecode value on the first input frame of the input.


final String? anchor;