Input class
Specifies media input
String, AudioSelectorGroup> ? audioSelectorGroups, Map<String, AudioSelector> ? audioSelectors, Map<String, CaptionSelector> ? captionSelectors, Rectangle? crop, InputDeblockFilter? deblockFilter, InputDecryptionSettings? decryptionSettings, InputDenoiseFilter? denoiseFilter, String? fileInput, InputFilterEnable? filterEnable, int? filterStrength, ImageInserter? imageInserter, List<InputClipping> ? inputClippings, InputScanType? inputScanType, Rectangle? position, int? programNumber, InputPsiControl? psiControl, List<String> ? supplementalImps, InputTimecodeSource? timecodeSource, String? timecodeStart, VideoSelector? videoSelector}) -
String, dynamic> json) -
→ Map<
String, AudioSelectorGroup> ? -
Specifies set of audio selectors within an input to combine. An input may
have multiple audio selector groups. See "Audio Selector
Group":#inputs-audio_selector_group for more information.
→ Map<
String, AudioSelector> ? -
Use Audio selectors (AudioSelectors) to specify a track or set of tracks
from the input that you will use in your outputs. You can use multiple Audio
selectors per input.
→ Map<
String, CaptionSelector> ? -
Use captions selectors to specify the captions data from your input that you
use in your outputs. You can use up to 20 captions selectors per input.
- crop → Rectangle?
Use Cropping selection (crop) to specify the video area that the service
will include in the output video frame. If you specify a value here, it will
override any value that you specify in the output setting Cropping selection
- deblockFilter → InputDeblockFilter?
Enable Deblock (InputDeblockFilter) to produce smoother motion in the
output. Default is disabled. Only manually controllable for MPEG2 and
uncompressed video inputs.
- decryptionSettings → InputDecryptionSettings?
Settings for decrypting any input files that you encrypt before you upload
them to Amazon S3. MediaConvert can decrypt files only when you use AWS Key
Management Service (KMS) to encrypt the data key that you use to encrypt
your content.
- denoiseFilter → InputDenoiseFilter?
Enable Denoise (InputDenoiseFilter) to filter noise from the input. Default
is disabled. Only applicable to MPEG2, H.264, H.265, and uncompressed video
- fileInput → String?
Specify the source file for your transcoding job. You can use multiple
inputs in a single job. The service concatenates these inputs, in the order
that you specify them in the job, to create the outputs. If your input
format is IMF, specify your input by providing the path to your CPL. For
example, "s3://bucket/vf/cpl.xml". If the CPL is in an incomplete IMP, make
sure to use Supplemental IMPs (SupplementalImps) to specify any
supplemental IMPs that contain assets referenced by the CPL.
- filterEnable → InputFilterEnable?
Specify how the transcoding service applies the denoise and deblock filters.
You must also enable the filters separately, with Denoise
(InputDenoiseFilter) and Deblock (InputDeblockFilter). * Auto - The
transcoding service determines whether to apply filtering, depending on
input type and quality. * Disable - The input is not filtered. This is true
even if you use the API to enable them in (InputDeblockFilter) and
(InputDeblockFilter). * Force - The input is filtered regardless of input
- filterStrength → int?
Use Filter strength (FilterStrength) to adjust the magnitude the input
filter settings (Deblock and Denoise). The range is -5 to 5. Default is 0.
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- imageInserter → ImageInserter?
Enable the image inserter feature to include a graphic overlay on your
video. Enable or disable this feature for each input individually. This
setting is disabled by default.
→ List<
InputClipping> ? -
(InputClippings) contains sets of start and end times that together specify
a portion of the input to be used in the outputs. If you provide only a
start time, the clip will be the entire input from that point to the end. If
you provide only an end time, it will be the entire input up to that point.
When you specify more than one input clip, the transcoding service creates
the job outputs by stringing the clips together in the order you specify
- inputScanType → InputScanType?
When you have a progressive segmented frame (PsF) input, use this setting to
flag the input as PsF. MediaConvert doesn't automatically detect PsF.
Therefore, flagging your input as PsF results in better preservation of
video quality when you do deinterlacing and frame rate conversion. If you
don't specify, the default value is Auto (AUTO). Auto is the correct setting
for all inputs that are not PsF. Don't set this value to PsF when your input
is interlaced. Doing so creates horizontal interlacing artifacts.
- position → Rectangle?
Use Selection placement (position) to define the video area in your output
frame. The area outside of the rectangle that you specify here is black. If
you specify a value here, it will override any value that you specify in the
output setting Selection placement (position). If you specify a value here,
this will override any AFD values in your input, even if you set Respond to
AFD (RespondToAfd) to Respond (RESPOND). If you specify a value here, this
will ignore anything that you specify for the setting Scaling Behavior
- programNumber → int?
Use Program (programNumber) to select a specific program from within a
multi-program transport stream. Note that Quad 4K is not currently
supported. Default is the first program within the transport stream. If the
program you specify doesn't exist, the transcoding service will use this
- psiControl → InputPsiControl?
Set PSI control (InputPsiControl) for transport stream inputs to specify
which data the demux process to scans. * Ignore PSI - Scan all PIDs for
audio and video. * Use PSI - Scan only PSI data.
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
→ List<
String> ? -
Provide a list of any necessary supplemental IMPs. You need supplemental
IMPs if the CPL that you're using for your input is in an incomplete IMP.
Specify either the supplemental IMP directories with a trailing slash or the
ASSETMAP.xml files. For example
"s3://bucket/ov/", "s3://bucket/vf2/ASSETMAP.xml"
. You don't need to specify the IMP that contains your input CPL, because the service automatically detects - timecodeSource → InputTimecodeSource?
Use this Timecode source setting, located under the input settings
(InputTimecodeSource), to specify how the service counts input video frames.
This input frame count affects only the behavior of features that apply to a
single input at a time, such as input clipping and synchronizing some
captions formats. Choose Embedded (EMBEDDED) to use the timecodes in your
input video. Choose Start at zero (ZEROBASED) to start the first frame at
zero. Choose Specified start (SPECIFIEDSTART) to start the first frame at
the timecode that you specify in the setting Start timecode (timecodeStart).
If you don't specify a value for Timecode source, the service will use
Embedded by default. For more information about timecodes, see
- timecodeStart → String?
Specify the timecode that you want the service to use for this input's
initial frame. To use this setting, you must set the Timecode source
setting, located under the input settings (InputTimecodeSource), to
Specified start (SPECIFIEDSTART). For more information about timecodes, see
- videoSelector → VideoSelector?
Selector for video.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.