putBucketOwnershipControls method
- required String bucket,
- required OwnershipControls ownershipControls,
- String? contentMD5,
- String? expectedBucketOwner,
Creates or modifies OwnershipControls
for an Amazon S3
bucket. To use this operation, you must have the
permission. For more
information about Amazon S3 permissions, see Specifying
Permissions in a Policy.
For information about Amazon S3 Object Ownership, see Using Object Ownership.
The following operations are related to
Parameter bucket
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose OwnershipControls
want to set.
Parameter ownershipControls
The OwnershipControls
(BucketOwnerPreferred or ObjectWriter)
that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket.
Parameter contentMD5
The MD5 hash of the OwnershipControls
request body.
For requests made using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) or AWS SDKs, this field is calculated automatically.
Parameter expectedBucketOwner
The account id of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a
different account, the request will fail with an HTTP 403 (Access
Future<void> putBucketOwnershipControls({
required String bucket,
required OwnershipControls ownershipControls,
String? contentMD5,
String? expectedBucketOwner,
}) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(bucket, 'bucket');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(ownershipControls, 'ownershipControls');
final headers = <String, String>{
if (contentMD5 != null) 'Content-MD5': contentMD5.toString(),
if (expectedBucketOwner != null)
'x-amz-expected-bucket-owner': expectedBucketOwner.toString(),
await _protocol.send(
method: 'PUT',
requestUri: '/${Uri.encodeComponent(bucket)}?ownershipControls',
headers: headers,
payload: ownershipControls.toXml('OwnershipControls'),
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,