getGeoLocation method

Future<GetGeoLocationResponse> getGeoLocation({
  1. String? continentCode,
  2. String? countryCode,
  3. String? subdivisionCode,

Gets information about whether a specified geographic location is supported for Amazon Route 53 geolocation resource record sets.

Use the following syntax to determine whether a continent is supported for geolocation:

GET /2013-04-01/geolocation?continentcode=two-letter abbreviation for a continent

Use the following syntax to determine whether a country is supported for geolocation:

GET /2013-04-01/geolocation?countrycode=two-character country code

Use the following syntax to determine whether a subdivision of a country is supported for geolocation:

GET /2013-04-01/geolocation?countrycode=two-character country code&subdivisioncode=subdivision code

May throw NoSuchGeoLocation. May throw InvalidInput.

Parameter continentCode : For geolocation resource record sets, a two-letter abbreviation that identifies a continent. Amazon Route 53 supports the following continent codes:

  • AF: Africa
  • AN: Antarctica
  • AS: Asia
  • EU: Europe
  • OC: Oceania
  • NA: North America
  • SA: South America

Parameter countryCode : Amazon Route 53 uses the two-letter country codes that are specified in ISO standard 3166-1 alpha-2.

Parameter subdivisionCode : For SubdivisionCode, Amazon Route 53 supports only states of the United States. For a list of state abbreviations, see Appendix B: Two–Letter State and Possession Abbreviations on the United States Postal Service website.

If you specify subdivisioncode, you must also specify US for CountryCode.


Future<GetGeoLocationResponse> getGeoLocation({
  String? continentCode,
  String? countryCode,
  String? subdivisionCode,
}) async {
  final $query = <String, List<String>>{
    if (continentCode != null) 'continentcode': [continentCode],
    if (countryCode != null) 'countrycode': [countryCode],
    if (subdivisionCode != null) 'subdivisioncode': [subdivisionCode],
  final $result = await _protocol.send(
    method: 'GET',
    requestUri: '/2013-04-01/geolocation',
    queryParams: $query,
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
  return GetGeoLocationResponse.fromXml($result.body);