modifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod method

Future<ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult> modifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod({
  1. required String clusterIdentifier,
  2. required int retentionPeriod,
  3. bool? manual,

Modifies the number of days to retain snapshots in the destination AWS Region after they are copied from the source AWS Region. By default, this operation only changes the retention period of copied automated snapshots. The retention periods for both new and existing copied automated snapshots are updated with the new retention period. You can set the manual option to change only the retention periods of copied manual snapshots. If you set this option, only newly copied manual snapshots have the new retention period.

May throw ClusterNotFoundFault. May throw SnapshotCopyDisabledFault. May throw UnauthorizedOperation. May throw InvalidClusterStateFault. May throw InvalidRetentionPeriodFault.

Parameter clusterIdentifier : The unique identifier of the cluster for which you want to change the retention period for either automated or manual snapshots that are copied to a destination AWS Region.

Constraints: Must be the valid name of an existing cluster that has cross-region snapshot copy enabled.

Parameter retentionPeriod : The number of days to retain automated snapshots in the destination AWS Region after they are copied from the source AWS Region.

By default, this only changes the retention period of copied automated snapshots.

If you decrease the retention period for automated snapshots that are copied to a destination AWS Region, Amazon Redshift deletes any existing automated snapshots that were copied to the destination AWS Region and that fall outside of the new retention period.

Constraints: Must be at least 1 and no more than 35 for automated snapshots.

If you specify the manual option, only newly copied manual snapshots will have the new retention period.

If you specify the value of -1 newly copied manual snapshots are retained indefinitely.

Constraints: The number of days must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653 for manual snapshots.

Parameter manual : Indicates whether to apply the snapshot retention period to newly copied manual snapshots instead of automated snapshots.


  required String clusterIdentifier,
  required int retentionPeriod,
  bool? manual,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(clusterIdentifier, 'clusterIdentifier');
    isRequired: true,
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(retentionPeriod, 'retentionPeriod');
  final $request = <String, dynamic>{};
  $request['ClusterIdentifier'] = clusterIdentifier;
  $request['RetentionPeriod'] = retentionPeriod;
  manual?.also((arg) => $request['Manual'] = arg);
  final $result = await _protocol.send(
    action: 'ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod',
    version: '2012-12-01',
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    shape: shapes['ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodMessage'],
    shapes: shapes,
    resultWrapper: 'ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult',
  return ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult.fromXml($result);