modifyClusterParameterGroup method

Future<ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage> modifyClusterParameterGroup({
  1. required String parameterGroupName,
  2. required List<Parameter> parameters,

Modifies the parameters of a parameter group.

For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.

May throw ClusterParameterGroupNotFoundFault. May throw InvalidClusterParameterGroupStateFault.

Parameter parameterGroupName : The name of the parameter group to be modified.

Parameter parameters : An array of parameters to be modified. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request.

For each parameter to be modified, you must supply at least the parameter name and parameter value; other name-value pairs of the parameter are optional.

For the workload management (WLM) configuration, you must supply all the name-value pairs in the wlm_json_configuration parameter.


Future<ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage> modifyClusterParameterGroup({
  required String parameterGroupName,
  required List<Parameter> parameters,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(parameterGroupName, 'parameterGroupName');
    isRequired: true,
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(parameters, 'parameters');
  final $request = <String, dynamic>{};
  $request['ParameterGroupName'] = parameterGroupName;
  $request['Parameters'] = parameters;
  final $result = await _protocol.send(
    action: 'ModifyClusterParameterGroup',
    version: '2012-12-01',
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    shape: shapes['ModifyClusterParameterGroupMessage'],
    shapes: shapes,
    resultWrapper: 'ModifyClusterParameterGroupResult',
  return ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage.fromXml($result);