revokeDBSecurityGroupIngress method

Future<RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressResult> revokeDBSecurityGroupIngress({
  1. required String dBSecurityGroupName,
  2. String? cidrip,
  3. String? eC2SecurityGroupId,
  4. String? eC2SecurityGroupName,
  5. String? eC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,

Revokes ingress from a DBSecurityGroup for previously authorized IP ranges or EC2 or VPC Security Groups. Required parameters for this API are one of CIDRIP, EC2SecurityGroupId for VPC, or (EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName or EC2SecurityGroupId).

May throw DBSecurityGroupNotFoundFault. May throw AuthorizationNotFoundFault. May throw InvalidDBSecurityGroupStateFault.

Parameter dBSecurityGroupName : The name of the DB security group to revoke ingress from.

Parameter cidrip : The IP range to revoke access from. Must be a valid CIDR range. If CIDRIP is specified, EC2SecurityGroupName, EC2SecurityGroupId and EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId can't be provided.

Parameter eC2SecurityGroupId : The id of the EC2 security group to revoke access from. For VPC DB security groups, EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided. Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName or EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided.

Parameter eC2SecurityGroupName : The name of the EC2 security group to revoke access from. For VPC DB security groups, EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided. Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName or EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided.

Parameter eC2SecurityGroupOwnerId : The AWS account number of the owner of the EC2 security group specified in the EC2SecurityGroupName parameter. The AWS access key ID isn't an acceptable value. For VPC DB security groups, EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided. Otherwise, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName or EC2SecurityGroupId must be provided.


Future<RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressResult> revokeDBSecurityGroupIngress({
  required String dBSecurityGroupName,
  String? cidrip,
  String? eC2SecurityGroupId,
  String? eC2SecurityGroupName,
  String? eC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(dBSecurityGroupName, 'dBSecurityGroupName');
  final $request = <String, dynamic>{};
  $request['DBSecurityGroupName'] = dBSecurityGroupName;
  cidrip?.also((arg) => $request['CIDRIP'] = arg);
  eC2SecurityGroupId?.also((arg) => $request['EC2SecurityGroupId'] = arg);
  eC2SecurityGroupName?.also((arg) => $request['EC2SecurityGroupName'] = arg);
      ?.also((arg) => $request['EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId'] = arg);
  final $result = await _protocol.send(
    action: 'RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress',
    version: '2014-10-31',
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    shape: shapes['RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressMessage'],
    shapes: shapes,
    resultWrapper: 'RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressResult',
  return RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngressResult.fromXml($result);