Pinpoint class

Doc Engage API - Amazon Pinpoint API


Pinpoint({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createApp({required CreateApplicationRequest createApplicationRequest}) Future<CreateAppResponse>
Creates an application.
createCampaign({required String applicationId, required WriteCampaignRequest writeCampaignRequest}) Future<CreateCampaignResponse>
Creates a new campaign for an application or updates the settings of an existing campaign for an application.
createEmailTemplate({required EmailTemplateRequest emailTemplateRequest, required String templateName}) Future<CreateEmailTemplateResponse>
Creates a message template for messages that are sent through the email channel.
createExportJob({required String applicationId, required ExportJobRequest exportJobRequest}) Future<CreateExportJobResponse>
Creates an export job for an application.
createImportJob({required String applicationId, required ImportJobRequest importJobRequest}) Future<CreateImportJobResponse>
Creates an import job for an application.
createJourney({required String applicationId, required WriteJourneyRequest writeJourneyRequest}) Future<CreateJourneyResponse>
Creates a journey for an application.
createPushTemplate({required PushNotificationTemplateRequest pushNotificationTemplateRequest, required String templateName}) Future<CreatePushTemplateResponse>
Creates a message template for messages that are sent through a push notification channel.
createRecommenderConfiguration({required CreateRecommenderConfiguration createRecommenderConfiguration}) Future<CreateRecommenderConfigurationResponse>
Creates an Amazon Pinpoint configuration for a recommender model.
createSegment({required String applicationId, required WriteSegmentRequest writeSegmentRequest}) Future<CreateSegmentResponse>
Creates a new segment for an application or updates the configuration, dimension, and other settings for an existing segment that's associated with an application.
createSmsTemplate({required SMSTemplateRequest sMSTemplateRequest, required String templateName}) Future<CreateSmsTemplateResponse>
Creates a message template for messages that are sent through the SMS channel.
createVoiceTemplate({required String templateName, required VoiceTemplateRequest voiceTemplateRequest}) Future<CreateVoiceTemplateResponse>
Creates a message template for messages that are sent through the voice channel.
deleteAdmChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteAdmChannelResponse>
Disables the ADM channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteApnsChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteApnsChannelResponse>
Disables the APNs channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteApnsSandboxChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteApnsSandboxChannelResponse>
Disables the APNs sandbox channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteApnsVoipChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteApnsVoipChannelResponse>
Disables the APNs VoIP channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteApnsVoipSandboxChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteApnsVoipSandboxChannelResponse>
Disables the APNs VoIP sandbox channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteApp({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteAppResponse>
Deletes an application.
deleteBaiduChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteBaiduChannelResponse>
Disables the Baidu channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteCampaign({required String applicationId, required String campaignId}) Future<DeleteCampaignResponse>
Deletes a campaign from an application.
deleteEmailChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteEmailChannelResponse>
Disables the email channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteEmailTemplate({required String templateName, String? version}) Future<DeleteEmailTemplateResponse>
Deletes a message template for messages that were sent through the email channel.
deleteEndpoint({required String applicationId, required String endpointId}) Future<DeleteEndpointResponse>
Deletes an endpoint from an application.
deleteEventStream({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteEventStreamResponse>
Deletes the event stream for an application.
deleteGcmChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteGcmChannelResponse>
Disables the GCM channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteJourney({required String applicationId, required String journeyId}) Future<DeleteJourneyResponse>
Deletes a journey from an application.
deletePushTemplate({required String templateName, String? version}) Future<DeletePushTemplateResponse>
Deletes a message template for messages that were sent through a push notification channel.
deleteRecommenderConfiguration({required String recommenderId}) Future<DeleteRecommenderConfigurationResponse>
Deletes an Amazon Pinpoint configuration for a recommender model.
deleteSegment({required String applicationId, required String segmentId}) Future<DeleteSegmentResponse>
Deletes a segment from an application.
deleteSmsChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteSmsChannelResponse>
Disables the SMS channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteSmsTemplate({required String templateName, String? version}) Future<DeleteSmsTemplateResponse>
Deletes a message template for messages that were sent through the SMS channel.
deleteUserEndpoints({required String applicationId, required String userId}) Future<DeleteUserEndpointsResponse>
Deletes all the endpoints that are associated with a specific user ID.
deleteVoiceChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<DeleteVoiceChannelResponse>
Disables the voice channel for an application and deletes any existing settings for the channel.
deleteVoiceTemplate({required String templateName, String? version}) Future<DeleteVoiceTemplateResponse>
Deletes a message template for messages that were sent through the voice channel.
getAdmChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetAdmChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the ADM channel for an application.
getApnsChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetApnsChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the APNs channel for an application.
getApnsSandboxChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetApnsSandboxChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the APNs sandbox channel for an application.
getApnsVoipChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetApnsVoipChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the APNs VoIP channel for an application.
getApnsVoipSandboxChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetApnsVoipSandboxChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the APNs VoIP sandbox channel for an application.
getApp({required String applicationId}) Future<GetAppResponse>
Retrieves information about an application.
getApplicationDateRangeKpi({required String applicationId, required String kpiName, DateTime? endTime, String? nextToken, String? pageSize, DateTime? startTime}) Future<GetApplicationDateRangeKpiResponse>
Retrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard metric that applies to an application.
getApplicationSettings({required String applicationId}) Future<GetApplicationSettingsResponse>
Retrieves information about the settings for an application.
getApps({String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetAppsResponse>
Retrieves information about all the applications that are associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account.
getBaiduChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetBaiduChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the Baidu channel for an application.
getCampaign({required String applicationId, required String campaignId}) Future<GetCampaignResponse>
Retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for a campaign.
getCampaignActivities({required String applicationId, required String campaignId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetCampaignActivitiesResponse>
Retrieves information about all the activities for a campaign.
getCampaignDateRangeKpi({required String applicationId, required String campaignId, required String kpiName, DateTime? endTime, String? nextToken, String? pageSize, DateTime? startTime}) Future<GetCampaignDateRangeKpiResponse>
Retrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard metric that applies to a campaign.
getCampaigns({required String applicationId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetCampaignsResponse>
Retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for all the campaigns that are associated with an application.
getCampaignVersion({required String applicationId, required String campaignId, required String version}) Future<GetCampaignVersionResponse>
Retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for a specific version of a campaign.
getCampaignVersions({required String applicationId, required String campaignId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetCampaignVersionsResponse>
Retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for all versions of a campaign.
getChannels({required String applicationId}) Future<GetChannelsResponse>
Retrieves information about the history and status of each channel for an application.
getEmailChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetEmailChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the email channel for an application.
getEmailTemplate({required String templateName, String? version}) Future<GetEmailTemplateResponse>
Retrieves the content and settings of a message template for messages that are sent through the email channel.
getEndpoint({required String applicationId, required String endpointId}) Future<GetEndpointResponse>
Retrieves information about the settings and attributes of a specific endpoint for an application.
getEventStream({required String applicationId}) Future<GetEventStreamResponse>
Retrieves information about the event stream settings for an application.
getExportJob({required String applicationId, required String jobId}) Future<GetExportJobResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of a specific export job for an application.
getExportJobs({required String applicationId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetExportJobsResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of all the export jobs for an application.
getGcmChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetGcmChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the GCM channel for an application.
getImportJob({required String applicationId, required String jobId}) Future<GetImportJobResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of a specific import job for an application.
getImportJobs({required String applicationId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetImportJobsResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of all the import jobs for an application.
getJourney({required String applicationId, required String journeyId}) Future<GetJourneyResponse>
Retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for a journey.
getJourneyDateRangeKpi({required String applicationId, required String journeyId, required String kpiName, DateTime? endTime, String? nextToken, String? pageSize, DateTime? startTime}) Future<GetJourneyDateRangeKpiResponse>
Retrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard engagement metric that applies to a journey.
getJourneyExecutionActivityMetrics({required String applicationId, required String journeyActivityId, required String journeyId, String? nextToken, String? pageSize}) Future<GetJourneyExecutionActivityMetricsResponse>
Retrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard execution metric that applies to a journey activity.
getJourneyExecutionMetrics({required String applicationId, required String journeyId, String? nextToken, String? pageSize}) Future<GetJourneyExecutionMetricsResponse>
Retrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard execution metric that applies to a journey.
getPushTemplate({required String templateName, String? version}) Future<GetPushTemplateResponse>
Retrieves the content and settings of a message template for messages that are sent through a push notification channel.
getRecommenderConfiguration({required String recommenderId}) Future<GetRecommenderConfigurationResponse>
Retrieves information about an Amazon Pinpoint configuration for a recommender model.
getRecommenderConfigurations({String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetRecommenderConfigurationsResponse>
Retrieves information about all the recommender model configurations that are associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account.
getSegment({required String applicationId, required String segmentId}) Future<GetSegmentResponse>
Retrieves information about the configuration, dimension, and other settings for a specific segment that's associated with an application.
getSegmentExportJobs({required String applicationId, required String segmentId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetSegmentExportJobsResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the export jobs for a segment.
getSegmentImportJobs({required String applicationId, required String segmentId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetSegmentImportJobsResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the import jobs for a segment.
getSegments({required String applicationId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetSegmentsResponse>
Retrieves information about the configuration, dimension, and other settings for all the segments that are associated with an application.
getSegmentVersion({required String applicationId, required String segmentId, required String version}) Future<GetSegmentVersionResponse>
Retrieves information about the configuration, dimension, and other settings for a specific version of a segment that's associated with an application.
getSegmentVersions({required String applicationId, required String segmentId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<GetSegmentVersionsResponse>
Retrieves information about the configuration, dimension, and other settings for all the versions of a specific segment that's associated with an application.
getSmsChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetSmsChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the SMS channel for an application.
getSmsTemplate({required String templateName, String? version}) Future<GetSmsTemplateResponse>
Retrieves the content and settings of a message template for messages that are sent through the SMS channel.
getUserEndpoints({required String applicationId, required String userId}) Future<GetUserEndpointsResponse>
Retrieves information about all the endpoints that are associated with a specific user ID.
getVoiceChannel({required String applicationId}) Future<GetVoiceChannelResponse>
Retrieves information about the status and settings of the voice channel for an application.
getVoiceTemplate({required String templateName, String? version}) Future<GetVoiceTemplateResponse>
Retrieves the content and settings of a message template for messages that are sent through the voice channel.
listJourneys({required String applicationId, String? pageSize, String? token}) Future<ListJourneysResponse>
Retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for all the journeys that are associated with an application.
listTagsForResource({required String resourceArn}) Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse>
Retrieves all the tags (keys and values) that are associated with an application, campaign, message template, or segment.
listTemplates({String? nextToken, String? pageSize, String? prefix, String? templateType}) Future<ListTemplatesResponse>
Retrieves information about all the message templates that are associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account.
listTemplateVersions({required String templateName, required String templateType, String? nextToken, String? pageSize}) Future<ListTemplateVersionsResponse>
Retrieves information about all the versions of a specific message template.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
phoneNumberValidate({required NumberValidateRequest numberValidateRequest}) Future<PhoneNumberValidateResponse>
Retrieves information about a phone number.
putEvents({required String applicationId, required EventsRequest eventsRequest}) Future<PutEventsResponse>
Creates a new event to record for endpoints, or creates or updates endpoint data that existing events are associated with.
putEventStream({required String applicationId, required WriteEventStream writeEventStream}) Future<PutEventStreamResponse>
Creates a new event stream for an application or updates the settings of an existing event stream for an application.
removeAttributes({required String applicationId, required String attributeType, required UpdateAttributesRequest updateAttributesRequest}) Future<RemoveAttributesResponse>
Removes one or more attributes, of the same attribute type, from all the endpoints that are associated with an application.
sendMessages({required String applicationId, required MessageRequest messageRequest}) Future<SendMessagesResponse>
Creates and sends a direct message.
sendUsersMessages({required String applicationId, required SendUsersMessageRequest sendUsersMessageRequest}) Future<SendUsersMessagesResponse>
Creates and sends a message to a list of users.
tagResource({required String resourceArn, required TagsModel tagsModel}) Future<void>
Adds one or more tags (keys and values) to an application, campaign, message template, or segment.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
untagResource({required String resourceArn, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Removes one or more tags (keys and values) from an application, campaign, message template, or segment.
updateAdmChannel({required ADMChannelRequest aDMChannelRequest, required String applicationId}) Future<UpdateAdmChannelResponse>
Enables the ADM channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the ADM channel for an application.
updateApnsChannel({required APNSChannelRequest aPNSChannelRequest, required String applicationId}) Future<UpdateApnsChannelResponse>
Enables the APNs channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the APNs channel for an application.
updateApnsSandboxChannel({required APNSSandboxChannelRequest aPNSSandboxChannelRequest, required String applicationId}) Future<UpdateApnsSandboxChannelResponse>
Enables the APNs sandbox channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the APNs sandbox channel for an application.
updateApnsVoipChannel({required APNSVoipChannelRequest aPNSVoipChannelRequest, required String applicationId}) Future<UpdateApnsVoipChannelResponse>
Enables the APNs VoIP channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the APNs VoIP channel for an application.
updateApnsVoipSandboxChannel({required APNSVoipSandboxChannelRequest aPNSVoipSandboxChannelRequest, required String applicationId}) Future<UpdateApnsVoipSandboxChannelResponse>
Enables the APNs VoIP sandbox channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the APNs VoIP sandbox channel for an application.
updateApplicationSettings({required String applicationId, required WriteApplicationSettingsRequest writeApplicationSettingsRequest}) Future<UpdateApplicationSettingsResponse>
Updates the settings for an application.
updateBaiduChannel({required String applicationId, required BaiduChannelRequest baiduChannelRequest}) Future<UpdateBaiduChannelResponse>
Enables the Baidu channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the Baidu channel for an application.
updateCampaign({required String applicationId, required String campaignId, required WriteCampaignRequest writeCampaignRequest}) Future<UpdateCampaignResponse>
Updates the configuration and other settings for a campaign.
updateEmailChannel({required String applicationId, required EmailChannelRequest emailChannelRequest}) Future<UpdateEmailChannelResponse>
Enables the email channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the email channel for an application.
updateEmailTemplate({required EmailTemplateRequest emailTemplateRequest, required String templateName, bool? createNewVersion, String? version}) Future<UpdateEmailTemplateResponse>
Updates an existing message template for messages that are sent through the email channel.
updateEndpoint({required String applicationId, required String endpointId, required EndpointRequest endpointRequest}) Future<UpdateEndpointResponse>
Creates a new endpoint for an application or updates the settings and attributes of an existing endpoint for an application. You can also use this operation to define custom attributes for an endpoint. If an update includes one or more values for a custom attribute, Amazon Pinpoint replaces (overwrites) any existing values with the new values.
updateEndpointsBatch({required String applicationId, required EndpointBatchRequest endpointBatchRequest}) Future<UpdateEndpointsBatchResponse>
Creates a new batch of endpoints for an application or updates the settings and attributes of a batch of existing endpoints for an application. You can also use this operation to define custom attributes for a batch of endpoints. If an update includes one or more values for a custom attribute, Amazon Pinpoint replaces (overwrites) any existing values with the new values.
updateGcmChannel({required String applicationId, required GCMChannelRequest gCMChannelRequest}) Future<UpdateGcmChannelResponse>
Enables the GCM channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the GCM channel for an application.
updateJourney({required String applicationId, required String journeyId, required WriteJourneyRequest writeJourneyRequest}) Future<UpdateJourneyResponse>
Updates the configuration and other settings for a journey.
updateJourneyState({required String applicationId, required String journeyId, required JourneyStateRequest journeyStateRequest}) Future<UpdateJourneyStateResponse>
Cancels (stops) an active journey.
updatePushTemplate({required PushNotificationTemplateRequest pushNotificationTemplateRequest, required String templateName, bool? createNewVersion, String? version}) Future<UpdatePushTemplateResponse>
Updates an existing message template for messages that are sent through a push notification channel.
updateRecommenderConfiguration({required String recommenderId, required UpdateRecommenderConfiguration updateRecommenderConfiguration}) Future<UpdateRecommenderConfigurationResponse>
Updates an Amazon Pinpoint configuration for a recommender model.
updateSegment({required String applicationId, required String segmentId, required WriteSegmentRequest writeSegmentRequest}) Future<UpdateSegmentResponse>
Creates a new segment for an application or updates the configuration, dimension, and other settings for an existing segment that's associated with an application.
updateSmsChannel({required String applicationId, required SMSChannelRequest sMSChannelRequest}) Future<UpdateSmsChannelResponse>
Enables the SMS channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the SMS channel for an application.
updateSmsTemplate({required SMSTemplateRequest sMSTemplateRequest, required String templateName, bool? createNewVersion, String? version}) Future<UpdateSmsTemplateResponse>
Updates an existing message template for messages that are sent through the SMS channel.
updateTemplateActiveVersion({required TemplateActiveVersionRequest templateActiveVersionRequest, required String templateName, required String templateType}) Future<UpdateTemplateActiveVersionResponse>
Changes the status of a specific version of a message template to active.
updateVoiceChannel({required String applicationId, required VoiceChannelRequest voiceChannelRequest}) Future<UpdateVoiceChannelResponse>
Enables the voice channel for an application or updates the status and settings of the voice channel for an application.
updateVoiceTemplate({required String templateName, required VoiceTemplateRequest voiceTemplateRequest, bool? createNewVersion, String? version}) Future<UpdateVoiceTemplateResponse>
Updates an existing message template for messages that are sent through the voice channel.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.