attributes property

Map<String, String>? attributes

A map of key-value pairs that defines 1-10 custom endpoint or user attributes, depending on the value for the RecommendationProviderIdType property. Each of these attributes temporarily stores a recommended item that's retrieved from the recommender model and sent to an AWS Lambda function for additional processing. Each attribute can be used as a message variable in a message template.

In the map, the key is the name of a custom attribute and the value is a custom display name for that attribute. The display name appears in the Attribute finder of the template editor on the Amazon Pinpoint console. The following restrictions apply to these names:

  • An attribute name must start with a letter or number and it can contain up to 50 characters. The characters can be letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (-). Attribute names are case sensitive and must be unique.
  • An attribute display name must start with a letter or number and it can contain up to 25 characters. The characters can be letters, numbers, spaces, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).
This object is required if the configuration invokes an AWS Lambda function (RecommendationTransformerUri) to process recommendation data. Otherwise, don't include this object in your request.


final Map<String, String>? attributes;