activityType property

String activityType

The type of activity that the metric applies to. Possible values are:

  • CONDITIONAL_SPLIT - For a yes/no split activity, which is an activity that sends participants down one of two paths in a journey.
  • HOLDOUT - For a holdout activity, which is an activity that stops a journey for a specified percentage of participants.
  • MESSAGE - For an email activity, which is an activity that sends an email message to participants.
  • MULTI_CONDITIONAL_SPLIT - For a multivariate split activity, which is an activity that sends participants down one of as many as five paths in a journey.
  • RANDOM_SPLIT - For a random split activity, which is an activity that sends specified percentages of participants down one of as many as five paths in a journey.
  • WAIT - For a wait activity, which is an activity that waits for a certain amount of time or until a specific date and time before moving participants to the next activity in a journey.


final String activityType;