updateGlobalNetwork method

Future<UpdateGlobalNetworkResponse> updateGlobalNetwork({
  1. required String globalNetworkId,
  2. String? description,

Updates an existing global network. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.

May throw ValidationException. May throw AccessDeniedException. May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw ConflictException. May throw ThrottlingException. May throw InternalServerException.

Parameter globalNetworkId : The ID of your global network.

Parameter description : A description of the global network.

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.


Future<UpdateGlobalNetworkResponse> updateGlobalNetwork({
  required String globalNetworkId,
  String? description,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(globalNetworkId, 'globalNetworkId');
  final $payload = <String, dynamic>{
    if (description != null) 'Description': description,
  final response = await _protocol.send(
    payload: $payload,
    method: 'PATCH',
    requestUri: '/global-networks/${Uri.encodeComponent(globalNetworkId)}',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
  return UpdateGlobalNetworkResponse.fromJson(response);