modifyDBParameterGroup method

Future<DBParameterGroupNameMessage> modifyDBParameterGroup({
  1. required String dBParameterGroupName,
  2. required List<Parameter> parameters,

Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group. To modify more than one parameter, submit a list of the following: ParameterName, ParameterValue, and ApplyMethod. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request.

May throw DBParameterGroupNotFoundFault. May throw InvalidDBParameterGroupStateFault.

Parameter dBParameterGroupName : The name of the DB parameter group.


  • If supplied, must match the name of an existing DBParameterGroup.

Parameter parameters : An array of parameter names, values, and the apply method for the parameter update. At least one parameter name, value, and apply method must be supplied; subsequent arguments are optional. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request.

Valid Values (for the application method): immediate | pending-reboot


Future<DBParameterGroupNameMessage> modifyDBParameterGroup({
  required String dBParameterGroupName,
  required List<Parameter> parameters,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(dBParameterGroupName, 'dBParameterGroupName');
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(parameters, 'parameters');
  final $request = <String, dynamic>{};
  $request['DBParameterGroupName'] = dBParameterGroupName;
  $request['Parameters'] = parameters;
  final $result = await _protocol.send(
    action: 'ModifyDBParameterGroup',
    version: '2014-10-31',
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    shape: shapes['ModifyDBParameterGroupMessage'],
    shapes: shapes,
    resultWrapper: 'ModifyDBParameterGroupResult',
  return DBParameterGroupNameMessage.fromXml($result);