describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions method
Returns a list of orderable DB instance options for the specified engine.
Parameter engine
The name of the engine to retrieve DB instance options for.
Parameter dBInstanceClass
The DB instance class filter value. Specify this parameter to show only
the available offerings matching the specified DB instance class.
Parameter engineVersion
The engine version filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the
available offerings matching the specified engine version.
Parameter filters
This parameter is not currently supported.
Parameter licenseModel
The license model filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the
available offerings matching the specified license model.
Parameter marker
An optional pagination token provided by a previous
DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions request. If this parameter is
specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the
value specified by MaxRecords
Parameter maxRecords
The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
exist than the specified MaxRecords
value, a pagination token
called a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results
can be retrieved.
Default: 100
Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
Parameter vpc
The VPC filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the available
VPC or non-VPC offerings.
Future<OrderableDBInstanceOptionsMessage> describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions({
required String engine,
String? dBInstanceClass,
String? engineVersion,
List<Filter>? filters,
String? licenseModel,
String? marker,
int? maxRecords,
bool? vpc,
}) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(engine, 'engine');
final $request = <String, dynamic>{};
$request['Engine'] = engine;
dBInstanceClass?.also((arg) => $request['DBInstanceClass'] = arg);
engineVersion?.also((arg) => $request['EngineVersion'] = arg);
filters?.also((arg) => $request['Filters'] = arg);
licenseModel?.also((arg) => $request['LicenseModel'] = arg);
marker?.also((arg) => $request['Marker'] = arg);
maxRecords?.also((arg) => $request['MaxRecords'] = arg);
vpc?.also((arg) => $request['Vpc'] = arg);
final $result = await _protocol.send(
action: 'DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions',
version: '2014-10-31',
method: 'POST',
requestUri: '/',
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
shape: shapes['DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsMessage'],
shapes: shapes,
resultWrapper: 'DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsResult',
return OrderableDBInstanceOptionsMessage.fromXml($result);