mediapackage-2017-10-12 library
- Authorization
- CDN Authorization credentials
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- Channel
- A Channel resource configuration.
- CmafEncryption
- A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) encryption configuration.
- CmafPackage
- A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) packaging configuration.
- CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters
- A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) packaging configuration.
- ConfigureLogsResponse
- CreateChannelResponse
- CreateHarvestJobResponse
- CreateOriginEndpointResponse
- DashEncryption
- A Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) encryption configuration.
- DashPackage
- A Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) packaging configuration.
- DeleteChannelResponse
- DeleteOriginEndpointResponse
- DescribeChannelResponse
- DescribeHarvestJobResponse
- DescribeOriginEndpointResponse
- EgressAccessLogs
- Configure egress access logging.
- HarvestJob
- A HarvestJob resource configuration
- HlsEncryption
- An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) encryption configuration.
- HlsIngest
- An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) ingest resource configuration.
- HlsManifest
- A HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest configuration.
- HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters
- A HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest configuration.
- HlsPackage
- An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) packaging configuration.
- IngestEndpoint
- An endpoint for ingesting source content for a Channel.
- IngressAccessLogs
- Configure ingress access logging.
- ListChannelsResponse
- ListHarvestJobsResponse
- ListOriginEndpointsResponse
- ListTagsForResourceResponse
- MediaPackage
- AWS Elemental MediaPackage
- MssEncryption
- A Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS) encryption configuration.
- MssPackage
- A Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS) packaging configuration.
- OriginEndpoint
- An OriginEndpoint resource configuration.
- RotateChannelCredentialsResponse
- RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse
- S3Destination
- Configuration parameters for where in an S3 bucket to place the harvested content
- SpekeKeyProvider
- A configuration for accessing an external Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) service that will provide encryption keys.
- StreamSelection
- A StreamSelection configuration.
- UpdateChannelResponse
- UpdateOriginEndpointResponse
- AdMarkers
- AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- This setting allows the delivery restriction flags on SCTE-35 segmentation descriptors to determine whether a message signals an ad. Choosing "NONE" means no SCTE-35 messages become ads. Choosing "RESTRICTED" means SCTE-35 messages of the types specified in AdTriggers that contain delivery restrictions will be treated as ads. Choosing "UNRESTRICTED" means SCTE-35 messages of the types specified in AdTriggers that do not contain delivery restrictions will be treated as ads. Choosing "BOTH" means all SCTE-35 messages of the types specified in AdTriggers will be treated as ads. Note that Splice Insert messages do not have these flags and are always treated as ads if specified in AdTriggers.
- AdTriggersElement
- EncryptionMethod
- ManifestLayout
- Origination
- PeriodTriggersElement
- PlaylistType
- Profile
- SegmentTemplateFormat
- Status
- StreamOrder
- UtcTiming
- AdMarkersFromString on String
- AdMarkersValueExtension on AdMarkers
- AdsOnDeliveryRestrictionsFromString on String
- AdsOnDeliveryRestrictionsValueExtension on AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions
- AdTriggersElementFromString on String
- AdTriggersElementValueExtension on AdTriggersElement
- EncryptionMethodFromString on String
- EncryptionMethodValueExtension on EncryptionMethod
- ManifestLayoutFromString on String
- ManifestLayoutValueExtension on ManifestLayout
- OriginationFromString on String
- OriginationValueExtension on Origination
- PeriodTriggersElementFromString on String
- PeriodTriggersElementValueExtension on PeriodTriggersElement
- PlaylistTypeFromString on String
- PlaylistTypeValueExtension on PlaylistType
- ProfileFromString on String
- ProfileValueExtension on Profile
- SegmentTemplateFormatFromString on String
- SegmentTemplateFormatValueExtension on SegmentTemplateFormat
- StatusFromString on String
- StatusValueExtension on Status
- StreamOrderFromString on String
- StreamOrderValueExtension on StreamOrder
- UtcTimingFromString on String
- UtcTimingValueExtension on UtcTiming