purchaseOffering method
Purchase an offering and create a reservation.
May throw BadRequestException. May throw InternalServerErrorException. May throw ForbiddenException. May throw BadGatewayException. May throw NotFoundException. May throw GatewayTimeoutException. May throw TooManyRequestsException. May throw ConflictException.
Parameter count
Number of resources
Parameter offeringId
Offering to purchase, e.g. '87654321'
Parameter name
Name for the new reservation
Parameter requestId
Unique request ID to be specified. This is needed to prevent retries from
creating multiple resources.
Parameter start
Requested reservation start time (UTC) in ISO-8601 format. The specified
time must be between the first day of the current month and one year from
now. If no value is given, the default is now.
Parameter tags
A collection of key-value pairs
Future<PurchaseOfferingResponse> purchaseOffering({
required int count,
required String offeringId,
String? name,
String? requestId,
String? start,
Map<String, String>? tags,
}) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(count, 'count');
isRequired: true,
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(offeringId, 'offeringId');
final $payload = <String, dynamic>{
'count': count,
if (name != null) 'name': name,
'requestId': requestId ?? _s.generateIdempotencyToken(),
if (start != null) 'start': start,
if (tags != null) 'tags': tags,
final response = await _protocol.send(
payload: $payload,
method: 'POST',
requestUri: '/prod/offerings/${Uri.encodeComponent(offeringId)}/purchase',
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
return PurchaseOfferingResponse.fromJson(response);