statistic property

MetricStatistic? statistic

The statistic for the metric associated with the alarm.

The following statistics are available:

  • Minimum - The lowest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine low volumes of activity for your application.
  • Maximum - The highest value observed during the specified period. Use this value to determine high volumes of activity for your application.
  • Sum - All values submitted for the matching metric added together. You can use this statistic to determine the total volume of a metric.
  • Average - The value of Sum / SampleCount during the specified period. By comparing this statistic with the Minimum and Maximum values, you can determine the full scope of a metric and how close the average use is to the Minimum and Maximum values. This comparison helps you to know when to increase or decrease your resources.
  • SampleCount - The count, or number, of data points used for the statistical calculation.


final MetricStatistic? statistic;