getIntentVersions method

Future<GetIntentVersionsResponse> getIntentVersions({
  1. required String name,
  2. int? maxResults,
  3. String? nextToken,

Gets information about all of the versions of an intent.

The GetIntentVersions operation returns an IntentMetadata object for each version of an intent. For example, if an intent has three numbered versions, the GetIntentVersions operation returns four IntentMetadata objects in the response, one for each numbered version and one for the $LATEST version.

The GetIntentVersions operation always returns at least one version, the $LATEST version.

This operation requires permissions for the lex:GetIntentVersions action.

May throw NotFoundException. May throw LimitExceededException. May throw InternalFailureException. May throw BadRequestException.

Parameter name : The name of the intent for which versions should be returned.

Parameter maxResults : The maximum number of intent versions to return in the response. The default is 10.

Parameter nextToken : A pagination token for fetching the next page of intent versions. If the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of versions, specify the pagination token in the next request.


Future<GetIntentVersionsResponse> getIntentVersions({
  required String name,
  int? maxResults,
  String? nextToken,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(name, 'name');
    isRequired: true,
  final $query = <String, List<String>>{
    if (maxResults != null) 'maxResults': [maxResults.toString()],
    if (nextToken != null) 'nextToken': [nextToken],
  final response = await _protocol.send(
    payload: null,
    method: 'GET',
    requestUri: '/intents/${Uri.encodeComponent(name)}/versions/',
    queryParams: $query,
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
  return GetIntentVersionsResponse.fromJson(response);