decrypt method

Future<DecryptResponse> decrypt({
  1. required Uint8List ciphertextBlob,
  2. EncryptionAlgorithmSpec? encryptionAlgorithm,
  3. Map<String, String>? encryptionContext,
  4. List<String>? grantTokens,
  5. String? keyId,

Decrypts ciphertext that was encrypted by a AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) using any of the following operations:

You can use this operation to decrypt ciphertext that was encrypted under a symmetric or asymmetric CMK. When the CMK is asymmetric, you must specify the CMK and the encryption algorithm that was used to encrypt the ciphertext. For information about symmetric and asymmetric CMKs, see Using Symmetric and Asymmetric CMKs in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

The Decrypt operation also decrypts ciphertext that was encrypted outside of AWS KMS by the public key in an AWS KMS asymmetric CMK. However, it cannot decrypt ciphertext produced by other libraries, such as the AWS Encryption SDK or Amazon S3 client-side encryption. These libraries return a ciphertext format that is incompatible with AWS KMS.

If the ciphertext was encrypted under a symmetric CMK, the KeyId parameter is optional. AWS KMS can get this information from metadata that it adds to the symmetric ciphertext blob. This feature adds durability to your implementation by ensuring that authorized users can decrypt ciphertext decades after it was encrypted, even if they've lost track of the CMK ID. However, specifying the CMK is always recommended as a best practice. When you use the KeyId parameter to specify a CMK, AWS KMS only uses the CMK you specify. If the ciphertext was encrypted under a different CMK, the Decrypt operation fails. This practice ensures that you use the CMK that you intend.

Whenever possible, use key policies to give users permission to call the Decrypt operation on a particular CMK, instead of using IAM policies. Otherwise, you might create an IAM user policy that gives the user Decrypt permission on all CMKs. This user could decrypt ciphertext that was encrypted by CMKs in other accounts if the key policy for the cross-account CMK permits it. If you must use an IAM policy for Decrypt permissions, limit the user to particular CMKs or particular trusted accounts. For details, see Best practices for IAM policies in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

The CMK that you use for this operation must be in a compatible key state. For details, see How Key State Affects Use of a Customer Master Key in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Cross-account use: Yes. You can decrypt a ciphertext using a CMK in a different AWS account.

Required permissions: kms:Decrypt (key policy)

Related operations:

May throw NotFoundException. May throw DisabledException. May throw InvalidCiphertextException. May throw KeyUnavailableException. May throw IncorrectKeyException. May throw InvalidKeyUsageException. May throw DependencyTimeoutException. May throw InvalidGrantTokenException. May throw KMSInternalException. May throw KMSInvalidStateException.

Parameter ciphertextBlob : Ciphertext to be decrypted. The blob includes metadata.

Parameter encryptionAlgorithm : Specifies the encryption algorithm that will be used to decrypt the ciphertext. Specify the same algorithm that was used to encrypt the data. If you specify a different algorithm, the Decrypt operation fails.

This parameter is required only when the ciphertext was encrypted under an asymmetric CMK. The default value, SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT, represents the only supported algorithm that is valid for symmetric CMKs.

Parameter encryptionContext : Specifies the encryption context to use when decrypting the data. An encryption context is valid only for cryptographic operations with a symmetric CMK. The standard asymmetric encryption algorithms that AWS KMS uses do not support an encryption context.

An encryption context is a collection of non-secret key-value pairs that represents additional authenticated data. When you use an encryption context to encrypt data, you must specify the same (an exact case-sensitive match) encryption context to decrypt the data. An encryption context is optional when encrypting with a symmetric CMK, but it is highly recommended.

For more information, see Encryption Context in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Parameter grantTokens : A list of grant tokens.

For more information, see Grant Tokens in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Parameter keyId : Specifies the customer master key (CMK) that AWS KMS uses to decrypt the ciphertext. Enter a key ID of the CMK that was used to encrypt the ciphertext.

This parameter is required only when the ciphertext was encrypted under an asymmetric CMK. If you used a symmetric CMK, AWS KMS can get the CMK from metadata that it adds to the symmetric ciphertext blob. However, it is always recommended as a best practice. This practice ensures that you use the CMK that you intend.

To specify a CMK, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. When using an alias name, prefix it with "alias/". To specify a CMK in a different AWS account, you must use the key ARN or alias ARN.

For example:

  • Key ID: 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab
  • Key ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab
  • Alias name: alias/ExampleAlias
  • Alias ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:alias/ExampleAlias
To get the key ID and key ARN for a CMK, use ListKeys or DescribeKey. To get the alias name and alias ARN, use ListAliases.


Future<DecryptResponse> decrypt({
  required Uint8List ciphertextBlob,
  EncryptionAlgorithmSpec? encryptionAlgorithm,
  Map<String, String>? encryptionContext,
  List<String>? grantTokens,
  String? keyId,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(ciphertextBlob, 'ciphertextBlob');
  final headers = <String, String>{
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
    'X-Amz-Target': 'TrentService.Decrypt'
  final jsonResponse = await _protocol.send(
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    // TODO queryParams
    headers: headers,
    payload: {
      'CiphertextBlob': base64Encode(ciphertextBlob),
      if (encryptionAlgorithm != null)
        'EncryptionAlgorithm': encryptionAlgorithm.toValue(),
      if (encryptionContext != null) 'EncryptionContext': encryptionContext,
      if (grantTokens != null) 'GrantTokens': grantTokens,
      if (keyId != null) 'KeyId': keyId,

  return DecryptResponse.fromJson(jsonResponse.body);