Kinesis class

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a managed service that scales elastically for real-time processing of streaming big data.


Kinesis({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addTagsToStream({required String streamName, required Map<String, String> tags}) Future<void>
Adds or updates tags for the specified Kinesis data stream. Each time you invoke this operation, you can specify up to 10 tags. If you want to add more than 10 tags to your stream, you can invoke this operation multiple times. In total, each stream can have up to 50 tags.
close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createStream({required int shardCount, required String streamName}) Future<void>
Creates a Kinesis data stream. A stream captures and transports data records that are continuously emitted from different data sources or producers. Scale-out within a stream is explicitly supported by means of shards, which are uniquely identified groups of data records in a stream.
decreaseStreamRetentionPeriod({required int retentionPeriodHours, required String streamName}) Future<void>
Decreases the Kinesis data stream's retention period, which is the length of time data records are accessible after they are added to the stream. The minimum value of a stream's retention period is 24 hours.
deleteStream({required String streamName, bool? enforceConsumerDeletion}) Future<void>
Deletes a Kinesis data stream and all its shards and data. You must shut down any applications that are operating on the stream before you delete the stream. If an application attempts to operate on a deleted stream, it receives the exception ResourceNotFoundException.
deregisterStreamConsumer({String? consumerARN, String? consumerName, String? streamARN}) Future<void>
To deregister a consumer, provide its ARN. Alternatively, you can provide the ARN of the data stream and the name you gave the consumer when you registered it. You may also provide all three parameters, as long as they don't conflict with each other. If you don't know the name or ARN of the consumer that you want to deregister, you can use the ListStreamConsumers operation to get a list of the descriptions of all the consumers that are currently registered with a given data stream. The description of a consumer contains its name and ARN.
describeLimits() Future<DescribeLimitsOutput>
Describes the shard limits and usage for the account.
describeStream({required String streamName, String? exclusiveStartShardId, int? limit}) Future<DescribeStreamOutput>
Describes the specified Kinesis data stream.
describeStreamConsumer({String? consumerARN, String? consumerName, String? streamARN}) Future<DescribeStreamConsumerOutput>
To get the description of a registered consumer, provide the ARN of the consumer. Alternatively, you can provide the ARN of the data stream and the name you gave the consumer when you registered it. You may also provide all three parameters, as long as they don't conflict with each other. If you don't know the name or ARN of the consumer that you want to describe, you can use the ListStreamConsumers operation to get a list of the descriptions of all the consumers that are currently registered with a given data stream.
describeStreamSummary({required String streamName}) Future<DescribeStreamSummaryOutput>
Provides a summarized description of the specified Kinesis data stream without the shard list.
disableEnhancedMonitoring({required List<MetricsName> shardLevelMetrics, required String streamName}) Future<EnhancedMonitoringOutput>
Disables enhanced monitoring.
enableEnhancedMonitoring({required List<MetricsName> shardLevelMetrics, required String streamName}) Future<EnhancedMonitoringOutput>
Enables enhanced Kinesis data stream monitoring for shard-level metrics.
getRecords({required String shardIterator, int? limit}) Future<GetRecordsOutput>
Gets data records from a Kinesis data stream's shard.
getShardIterator({required String shardId, required ShardIteratorType shardIteratorType, required String streamName, String? startingSequenceNumber, DateTime? timestamp}) Future<GetShardIteratorOutput>
Gets an Amazon Kinesis shard iterator. A shard iterator expires 5 minutes after it is returned to the requester.
increaseStreamRetentionPeriod({required int retentionPeriodHours, required String streamName}) Future<void>
Increases the Kinesis data stream's retention period, which is the length of time data records are accessible after they are added to the stream. The maximum value of a stream's retention period is 168 hours (7 days).
listShards({String? exclusiveStartShardId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, ShardFilter? shardFilter, DateTime? streamCreationTimestamp, String? streamName}) Future<ListShardsOutput>
Lists the shards in a stream and provides information about each shard. This operation has a limit of 100 transactions per second per data stream.
listStreamConsumers({required String streamARN, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, DateTime? streamCreationTimestamp}) Future<ListStreamConsumersOutput>
Lists the consumers registered to receive data from a stream using enhanced fan-out, and provides information about each consumer.
listStreams({String? exclusiveStartStreamName, int? limit}) Future<ListStreamsOutput>
Lists your Kinesis data streams.
listTagsForStream({required String streamName, String? exclusiveStartTagKey, int? limit}) Future<ListTagsForStreamOutput>
Lists the tags for the specified Kinesis data stream. This operation has a limit of five transactions per second per account.
mergeShards({required String adjacentShardToMerge, required String shardToMerge, required String streamName}) Future<void>
Merges two adjacent shards in a Kinesis data stream and combines them into a single shard to reduce the stream's capacity to ingest and transport data. Two shards are considered adjacent if the union of the hash key ranges for the two shards form a contiguous set with no gaps. For example, if you have two shards, one with a hash key range of 276...381 and the other with a hash key range of 382...454, then you could merge these two shards into a single shard that would have a hash key range of 276...454. After the merge, the single child shard receives data for all hash key values covered by the two parent shards.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
putRecord({required Uint8List data, required String partitionKey, required String streamName, String? explicitHashKey, String? sequenceNumberForOrdering}) Future<PutRecordOutput>
Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis data stream. Call PutRecord to send data into the stream for real-time ingestion and subsequent processing, one record at a time. Each shard can support writes up to 1,000 records per second, up to a maximum data write total of 1 MiB per second.
putRecords({required List<PutRecordsRequestEntry> records, required String streamName}) Future<PutRecordsOutput>
Writes multiple data records into a Kinesis data stream in a single call (also referred to as a PutRecords request). Use this operation to send data into the stream for data ingestion and processing.
registerStreamConsumer({required String consumerName, required String streamARN}) Future<RegisterStreamConsumerOutput>
Registers a consumer with a Kinesis data stream. When you use this operation, the consumer you register can then call SubscribeToShard to receive data from the stream using enhanced fan-out, at a rate of up to 2 MiB per second for every shard you subscribe to. This rate is unaffected by the total number of consumers that read from the same stream.
removeTagsFromStream({required String streamName, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<void>
Removes tags from the specified Kinesis data stream. Removed tags are deleted and cannot be recovered after this operation successfully completes.
splitShard({required String newStartingHashKey, required String shardToSplit, required String streamName}) Future<void>
Splits a shard into two new shards in the Kinesis data stream, to increase the stream's capacity to ingest and transport data. SplitShard is called when there is a need to increase the overall capacity of a stream because of an expected increase in the volume of data records being ingested.
startStreamEncryption({required EncryptionType encryptionType, required String keyId, required String streamName}) Future<void>
Enables or updates server-side encryption using an AWS KMS key for a specified stream.
stopStreamEncryption({required EncryptionType encryptionType, required String keyId, required String streamName}) Future<void>
Disables server-side encryption for a specified stream.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateShardCount({required ScalingType scalingType, required String streamName, required int targetShardCount}) Future<UpdateShardCountOutput>
Updates the shard count of the specified stream to the specified number of shards.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.