iotthingsgraph-2018-09-06 library
- AssociateEntityToThingResponse
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- CreateFlowTemplateResponse
- CreateSystemInstanceResponse
- CreateSystemTemplateResponse
- DefinitionDocument
- A document that defines an entity.
- DeleteFlowTemplateResponse
- DeleteNamespaceResponse
- DeleteSystemInstanceResponse
- DeleteSystemTemplateResponse
- DependencyRevision
- An object that contains the ID and revision number of a workflow or system that is part of a deployment.
- DeploySystemInstanceResponse
- DeprecateFlowTemplateResponse
- DeprecateSystemTemplateResponse
- DescribeNamespaceResponse
- DissociateEntityFromThingResponse
- EntityDescription
- Describes the properties of an entity.
- EntityFilter
An object that filters an entity search. Multiple filters function as OR
criteria in the search. For example a search that includes a
filter searches for entities in the specified namespace that use the entity specified by the value ofREFERENCED_ENTITY_ID
. - FlowExecutionMessage
- An object that contains information about a flow event.
- FlowExecutionSummary
- An object that contains summary information about a flow execution.
- FlowTemplateDescription
- An object that contains a workflow's definition and summary information.
- FlowTemplateFilter
- An object that filters a workflow search.
- FlowTemplateSummary
- An object that contains summary information about a workflow.
- GetEntitiesResponse
- GetFlowTemplateResponse
- GetFlowTemplateRevisionsResponse
- GetNamespaceDeletionStatusResponse
- GetSystemInstanceResponse
- GetSystemTemplateResponse
- GetSystemTemplateRevisionsResponse
- GetUploadStatusResponse
- IoTThingsGraph
- AWS IoT Things Graph provides an integrated set of tools that enable developers to connect devices and services that use different standards, such as units of measure and communication protocols. AWS IoT Things Graph makes it possible to build IoT applications with little to no code by connecting devices and services and defining how they interact at an abstract level.
- ListFlowExecutionMessagesResponse
- ListTagsForResourceResponse
- MetricsConfiguration
- An object that specifies whether cloud metrics are collected in a deployment and, if so, what role is used to collect metrics.
- SearchEntitiesResponse
- SearchFlowExecutionsResponse
- SearchFlowTemplatesResponse
- SearchSystemInstancesResponse
- SearchSystemTemplatesResponse
- SearchThingsResponse
- SystemInstanceDescription
- An object that contains a system instance definition and summary information.
- SystemInstanceFilter
- An object that filters a system instance search. Multiple filters function as OR criteria in the search. For example a search that includes a GREENGRASS_GROUP_NAME and a STATUS filter searches for system instances in the specified Greengrass group that have the specified status.
- SystemInstanceSummary
- An object that contains summary information about a system instance.
- SystemTemplateDescription
- An object that contains a system's definition document and summary information.
- SystemTemplateFilter
- An object that filters a system search.
- SystemTemplateSummary
- An object that contains information about a system.
- Tag
- Metadata assigned to an AWS IoT Things Graph resource consisting of a key-value pair.
- TagResourceResponse
- Thing
- An AWS IoT thing.
- UndeploySystemInstanceResponse
- UntagResourceResponse
- UpdateFlowTemplateResponse
- UpdateSystemTemplateResponse
- UploadEntityDefinitionsResponse
- DefinitionLanguageFromString on String
- DefinitionLanguageValueExtension on DefinitionLanguage
- DeploymentTargetFromString on String
- DeploymentTargetValueExtension on DeploymentTarget
- EntityFilterNameFromString on String
- EntityFilterNameValueExtension on EntityFilterName
- EntityTypeFromString on String
- EntityTypeValueExtension on EntityType
- FlowExecutionEventTypeFromString on String
- FlowExecutionEventTypeValueExtension on FlowExecutionEventType
- FlowExecutionStatusFromString on String
- FlowExecutionStatusValueExtension on FlowExecutionStatus
- FlowTemplateFilterNameFromString on String
- FlowTemplateFilterNameValueExtension on FlowTemplateFilterName
- NamespaceDeletionStatusErrorCodesFromString on String
- NamespaceDeletionStatusErrorCodesValueExtension on NamespaceDeletionStatusErrorCodes
- NamespaceDeletionStatusFromString on String
- NamespaceDeletionStatusValueExtension on NamespaceDeletionStatus
- SystemInstanceDeploymentStatusFromString on String
- SystemInstanceDeploymentStatusValueExtension on SystemInstanceDeploymentStatus
- SystemInstanceFilterNameFromString on String
- SystemInstanceFilterNameValueExtension on SystemInstanceFilterName
- SystemTemplateFilterNameFromString on String
- SystemTemplateFilterNameValueExtension on SystemTemplateFilterName
- UploadStatusFromString on String
- UploadStatusValueExtension on UploadStatus