iotsecuretunneling-2018-10-05 library
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- CloseTunnelResponse
- ConnectionState
- The state of a connection.
- DescribeTunnelResponse
- DestinationConfig
- The destination configuration.
- IoTSecureTunneling
- AWS IoT Secure Tunnling enables you to create remote connections to devices deployed in the field.
- ListTagsForResourceResponse
- ListTunnelsResponse
- OpenTunnelResponse
- Tag
- An arbitary key/value pair used to add searchable metadata to secure tunnel resources.
- TagResourceResponse
- TimeoutConfig
- Tunnel timeout configuration.
- Tunnel
- A connection between a source computer and a destination device.
- TunnelSummary
- Information about the tunnel.
- UntagResourceResponse