updateJob method

Future<void> updateJob({
  1. required String jobId,
  2. AbortConfig? abortConfig,
  3. String? description,
  4. JobExecutionsRolloutConfig? jobExecutionsRolloutConfig,
  5. String? namespaceId,
  6. PresignedUrlConfig? presignedUrlConfig,
  7. TimeoutConfig? timeoutConfig,

Updates supported fields of the specified job.

May throw InvalidRequestException. May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw ThrottlingException. May throw ServiceUnavailableException.

Parameter jobId : The ID of the job to be updated.

Parameter abortConfig : Allows you to create criteria to abort a job.

Parameter description : A short text description of the job.

Parameter jobExecutionsRolloutConfig : Allows you to create a staged rollout of the job.

Parameter namespaceId : The namespace used to indicate that a job is a customer-managed job.

When you specify a value for this parameter, AWS IoT Core sends jobs notifications to MQTT topics that contain the value in the following format.


Parameter presignedUrlConfig : Configuration information for pre-signed S3 URLs.

Parameter timeoutConfig : Specifies the amount of time each device has to finish its execution of the job. The timer is started when the job execution status is set to IN_PROGRESS. If the job execution status is not set to another terminal state before the time expires, it will be automatically set to TIMED_OUT.


Future<void> updateJob({
  required String jobId,
  AbortConfig? abortConfig,
  String? description,
  JobExecutionsRolloutConfig? jobExecutionsRolloutConfig,
  String? namespaceId,
  PresignedUrlConfig? presignedUrlConfig,
  TimeoutConfig? timeoutConfig,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(jobId, 'jobId');
    isRequired: true,
  final $query = <String, List<String>>{
    if (namespaceId != null) 'namespaceId': [namespaceId],
  final $payload = <String, dynamic>{
    if (abortConfig != null) 'abortConfig': abortConfig,
    if (description != null) 'description': description,
    if (jobExecutionsRolloutConfig != null)
      'jobExecutionsRolloutConfig': jobExecutionsRolloutConfig,
    if (presignedUrlConfig != null) 'presignedUrlConfig': presignedUrlConfig,
    if (timeoutConfig != null) 'timeoutConfig': timeoutConfig,
  await _protocol.send(
    payload: $payload,
    method: 'PATCH',
    requestUri: '/jobs/${Uri.encodeComponent(jobId)}',
    queryParams: $query,
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,