listDeviceEvents method
Using a device ID, returns a DeviceEventsResponse object containing an array of events for the device.
May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw RangeNotSatisfiableException. May throw InvalidRequestException. May throw InternalFailureException.
Parameter deviceId
The unique identifier of the device.
Parameter fromTimeStamp
The start date for the device event query, in ISO8061 format. For example,
Parameter toTimeStamp
The end date for the device event query, in ISO8061 format. For example,
Parameter maxResults
The maximum number of results to return per request. If not set, a default
value of
100 is used.
Parameter nextToken
The token to retrieve the next set of results.
Future<ListDeviceEventsResponse> listDeviceEvents({
required String deviceId,
required DateTime fromTimeStamp,
required DateTime toTimeStamp,
int? maxResults,
String? nextToken,
}) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(deviceId, 'deviceId');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(fromTimeStamp, 'fromTimeStamp');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(toTimeStamp, 'toTimeStamp');
final $query = <String, List<String>>{
'fromTimeStamp': [_s.iso8601ToJson(fromTimeStamp).toString()],
'toTimeStamp': [_s.iso8601ToJson(toTimeStamp).toString()],
if (maxResults != null) 'maxResults': [maxResults.toString()],
if (nextToken != null) 'nextToken': [nextToken],
final response = await _protocol.send(
payload: null,
method: 'GET',
requestUri: '/devices/${Uri.encodeComponent(deviceId)}/events',
queryParams: $query,
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
return ListDeviceEventsResponse.fromJson(response);