inspector-2016-02-16 library
- AddAttributesToFindingsResponse
- AgentFilter
- Contains information about an Amazon Inspector agent. This data type is used as a request parameter in the ListAssessmentRunAgents action.
- AgentPreview
- Used as a response element in the PreviewAgents action.
- AssessmentRun
- A snapshot of an Amazon Inspector assessment run that contains the findings of the assessment run .
- AssessmentRunAgent
- Contains information about an Amazon Inspector agent. This data type is used as a response element in the ListAssessmentRunAgents action.
- AssessmentRunFilter
- Used as the request parameter in the ListAssessmentRuns action.
- AssessmentRunNotification
- Used as one of the elements of the AssessmentRun data type.
- AssessmentRunStateChange
- Used as one of the elements of the AssessmentRun data type.
- AssessmentTarget
- Contains information about an Amazon Inspector application. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeAssessmentTargets action.
- AssessmentTargetFilter
- Used as the request parameter in the ListAssessmentTargets action.
- AssessmentTemplate
- Contains information about an Amazon Inspector assessment template. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeAssessmentTemplates action.
- AssessmentTemplateFilter
- Used as the request parameter in the ListAssessmentTemplates action.
- AssetAttributes
- A collection of attributes of the host from which the finding is generated.
- Attribute
- This data type is used as a request parameter in the AddAttributesToFindings and CreateAssessmentTemplate actions.
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- CreateAssessmentTargetResponse
- CreateAssessmentTemplateResponse
- CreateExclusionsPreviewResponse
- CreateResourceGroupResponse
- DescribeAssessmentRunsResponse
- DescribeAssessmentTargetsResponse
- DescribeAssessmentTemplatesResponse
- DescribeCrossAccountAccessRoleResponse
- DescribeExclusionsResponse
- DescribeFindingsResponse
- DescribeResourceGroupsResponse
- DescribeRulesPackagesResponse
- DurationRange
- This data type is used in the AssessmentTemplateFilter data type.
- EventSubscription
- This data type is used in the Subscription data type.
- Exclusion
- Contains information about what was excluded from an assessment run.
- ExclusionPreview
- Contains information about what is excluded from an assessment run given the current state of the assessment template.
- FailedItemDetails
- Includes details about the failed items.
- Finding
- Contains information about an Amazon Inspector finding. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeFindings action.
- FindingFilter
- This data type is used as a request parameter in the ListFindings action.
- GetAssessmentReportResponse
- GetExclusionsPreviewResponse
- GetTelemetryMetadataResponse
- Inspector
- Amazon Inspector enables you to analyze the behavior of your AWS resources and to identify potential security issues. For more information, see Amazon Inspector User Guide.
- InspectorServiceAttributes
- This data type is used in the Finding data type.
- ListAssessmentRunAgentsResponse
- ListAssessmentRunsResponse
- ListAssessmentTargetsResponse
- ListAssessmentTemplatesResponse
- ListEventSubscriptionsResponse
- ListExclusionsResponse
- ListFindingsResponse
- ListRulesPackagesResponse
- ListTagsForResourceResponse
- NetworkInterface
- Contains information about the network interfaces interacting with an EC2 instance. This data type is used as one of the elements of the AssetAttributes data type.
- PreviewAgentsResponse
- PrivateIp
- Contains information about a private IP address associated with a network interface. This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeFindings action.
- RemoveAttributesFromFindingsResponse
- ResourceGroup
- Contains information about a resource group. The resource group defines a set of tags that, when queried, identify the AWS resources that make up the assessment target. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeResourceGroups action.
- ResourceGroupTag
- This data type is used as one of the elements of the ResourceGroup data type.
- RulesPackage
- Contains information about an Amazon Inspector rules package. This data type is used as the response element in the DescribeRulesPackages action.
- Scope
- This data type contains key-value pairs that identify various Amazon resources.
- SecurityGroup
- Contains information about a security group associated with a network interface. This data type is used as one of the elements of the NetworkInterface data type.
- StartAssessmentRunResponse
- Subscription
- This data type is used as a response element in the ListEventSubscriptions action.
- Tag
- A key and value pair. This data type is used as a request parameter in the SetTagsForResource action and a response element in the ListTagsForResource action.
- TelemetryMetadata
- The metadata about the Amazon Inspector application data metrics collected by the agent. This data type is used as the response element in the GetTelemetryMetadata action.
- TimestampRange
- This data type is used in the AssessmentRunFilter data type.
- AgentHealthCodeFromString on String
- AgentHealthCodeValueExtension on AgentHealthCode
- AgentHealthFromString on String
- AgentHealthValueExtension on AgentHealth
- AssessmentRunNotificationSnsStatusCodeFromString on String
- AssessmentRunNotificationSnsStatusCodeValueExtension on AssessmentRunNotificationSnsStatusCode
- AssessmentRunStateFromString on String
- AssessmentRunStateValueExtension on AssessmentRunState
- AssetTypeFromString on String
- AssetTypeValueExtension on AssetType
- FailedItemErrorCodeFromString on String
- FailedItemErrorCodeValueExtension on FailedItemErrorCode
- InspectorEventFromString on String
- InspectorEventValueExtension on InspectorEvent
- LocaleFromString on String
- LocaleValueExtension on Locale
- PreviewStatusFromString on String
- PreviewStatusValueExtension on PreviewStatus
- ReportFileFormatFromString on String
- ReportFileFormatValueExtension on ReportFileFormat
- ReportStatusFromString on String
- ReportStatusValueExtension on ReportStatus
- ReportTypeFromString on String
- ReportTypeValueExtension on ReportType
- ScopeTypeFromString on String
- ScopeTypeValueExtension on ScopeType
- SeverityFromString on String
- SeverityValueExtension on Severity
- StopActionFromString on String
- StopActionValueExtension on StopAction