describeEventDetails method

Future<DescribeEventDetailsResponse> describeEventDetails({
  1. required List<String> eventArns,
  2. String? locale,

Returns detailed information about one or more specified events. Information includes standard event data (Region, service, and so on, as returned by DescribeEvents), a detailed event description, and possible additional metadata that depends upon the nature of the event. Affected entities are not included. To retrieve those, use the DescribeAffectedEntities operation.

If a specified event cannot be retrieved, an error message is returned for that event.

May throw UnsupportedLocale.

Parameter eventArns : A list of event ARNs (unique identifiers). For example: "arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/EC2/EC2_INSTANCE_RETIREMENT_SCHEDULED/EC2_INSTANCE_RETIREMENT_SCHEDULED_ABC123-CDE456", "arn:aws:health:us-west-1::event/EBS/AWS_EBS_LOST_VOLUME/AWS_EBS_LOST_VOLUME_CHI789_JKL101"

Parameter locale : The locale (language) to return information in. English (en) is the default and the only supported value at this time.


Future<DescribeEventDetailsResponse> describeEventDetails({
  required List<String> eventArns,
  String? locale,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(eventArns, 'eventArns');
  final headers = <String, String>{
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
    'X-Amz-Target': 'AWSHealth_20160804.DescribeEventDetails'
  final jsonResponse = await _protocol.send(
    method: 'POST',
    requestUri: '/',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
    // TODO queryParams
    headers: headers,
    payload: {
      'eventArns': eventArns,
      if (locale != null) 'locale': locale,

  return DescribeEventDetailsResponse.fromJson(jsonResponse.body);