describeEventAggregates method
- required EventAggregateField aggregateField,
- EventFilter? filter,
- int? maxResults,
- String? nextToken,
Returns the number of events of each event type (issue, scheduled change, and account notification). If no filter is specified, the counts of all events in each category are returned.
May throw InvalidPaginationToken.
Parameter aggregateField
The only currently supported value is eventTypeCategory
Parameter filter
Values to narrow the results returned.
Parameter maxResults
The maximum number of items to return in one batch, between 10 and 100,
Parameter nextToken
If the results of a search are large, only a portion of the results are
returned, and a nextToken
pagination token is returned in the
response. To retrieve the next batch of results, reissue the search
request and include the returned token. When all results have been
returned, the response does not contain a pagination token value.
Future<DescribeEventAggregatesResponse> describeEventAggregates({
required EventAggregateField aggregateField,
EventFilter? filter,
int? maxResults,
String? nextToken,
}) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(aggregateField, 'aggregateField');
final headers = <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
'X-Amz-Target': 'AWSHealth_20160804.DescribeEventAggregates'
final jsonResponse = await _protocol.send(
method: 'POST',
requestUri: '/',
exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
// TODO queryParams
headers: headers,
payload: {
'aggregateField': aggregateField.toValue(),
if (filter != null) 'filter': filter,
if (maxResults != null) 'maxResults': maxResults,
if (nextToken != null) 'nextToken': nextToken,
return DescribeEventAggregatesResponse.fromJson(jsonResponse.body);